Home Mantua New Four-Way Stop On SR82 Effective March 14th

New Four-Way Stop On SR82 Effective March 14th


Mantua – At the February meeting, Fire Chief Matt Roosa informed the board that Brian Summerlin has officially retired. Summerlin served the MSFD for over 40 years, according to Roosa and Assistant Fire Chief Chris Mullins. Roosa noted that Summerlin’s final day of service was January 31st.

Moving forward, the board approved the expenditure of no more than $13,000 to replace scene lights on Engine One. Scene lights are a system of lights and fixtures attached to the truck and used to illuminate large areas and are crucial tools used to illuminate at fires and crash sites. The scene lights being replaced were between 20 – 25 years old. In addition, the board approved the spending of no more than $40,000 for four replacement SCBA air packs and coinciding replacement parts.

Lastly, it was noted that the intersection on State Route 82 and Mantua Center in Mantua Township is no longer planned to become a roundabout. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, the current two-way stop condition will become a four-way stop on March 14th.

The next regularly-scheduled Fire Board meeting will take place on Monday, March 13th at 6 pm at the Fire Station.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography