Home Rootstown NEOMED’s College of Medicine Students Celebrate Residency Matches

NEOMED’s College of Medicine Students Celebrate Residency Matches


Rootstown – The spirit of the Northeast Ohio Medical University College of Medicine Match Day celebration was alive and well as fourth-year students reveled in the news of their residency matches.

Per tradition, 138 NEOMED medicine students waited until noon on National Match Day, Friday, March 19, to learn their residency match. The email arriving precisely at noon from the National Residency Matching Program would reveal hospital residencies where each would spend their first three to seven years as physicians, upon graduating as Doctors of Medicine on May 1, 2021.

This year’s Match Day celebration was held virtually as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it did not diminish the presence of joy as students celebrated with their families and loved ones upon announcing their residency match. During the live stream that was seen by more than 1,500 viewers, each student shared the name of the hospital and specialty that would serve as their first home as health professionals.

Among the fourth-year medicine students, 52% will enter primary care residencies. This includes 35 students in internal medicine, 17 in family medicine, 12 in pediatrics, and three in obstetrics and gynecology. Surgery was among other popular choices with 13% matching in surgery or surgery subspecialties ? eight students in general surgery, three in orthopedic surgery and three in urology.

Of the 138 fourth-year medicine students, 56% will remain in-state for their residencies, fulfilling NEOMED’s continued goal to create health professionals for and from Ohio.

As they have each year, NEOMED students were matched with some of the best hospitals in the nation including Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota), Cleveland Clinic, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles) and UPMC (Pittsburgh) ? as well as many others in Ohio and beyond. Several students also matched with military medical centers, including Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland and Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii.

Students began applying for residency programs at the beginning of their fourth year. Throughout the fall and early winter, applicants interview with programs. From mid-January to late February, applicants and program directors rank each other in order of preference and submit the preference lists to National Residency Matching Programs, which processes them using a computerized mathematical algorithm to match applicants with programs.

For more information about the graduates and their residency matches, please visit neomed.edu.
