Home News Nelson Township Trustee News

Nelson Township Trustee News


Nelson Twp – Officials present at the June 4th, 2014 trustee meeting were fiscal officer J. David Finney and township trustees Joe Leonard, Mike Elias, and Tom Matota. Also present were, Roads Supervisor Chuck Vanek, Zoning Inspector Anna Mae VanDerHoeven, and Community House Caretaker Michelle Cmunt.

Dave Freiss, chief of the Garrettsville Freedom Nelson Joint Fire District, requested use of the Nelson Community House on September 21st. The building will be utilized as a meeting location for the fire district’s training exercises in nearby Nelson Kennedy Ledges. The Community House will also be utilized as the location for lunch, and bathrooms so people can get cleaned up. Parkman, Troy, Hiram, Windham, and Mantua fire departments have also been invited to attend the training session. Helicopters will be landed in the archery field, and  water rescue training will be held in the Quarry Park. Leonard made a motion to allow use of Community House on September 21st at no charge. Matota seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.

Finney presented the trustees with the minutes of the May 21st meeting. Matota made a motion to approve them as presented, which was seconded by Elias.  Finney then presented the trustees with bills and wages to be paid totaling $15,214.63. Elias made motion to pay them as presented, and the motion was seconded by Leonard.

Finney provided the trustees with information he had received from an “incentivizer”. An incentivizer tracks down financial incentives from electric companies in exchange for a percentage of the incentive money received by the township. After presenting the information to the trustees, Finney offered no advise either way. Leonard suggested tabling the issue until it could be researched further. All trustees were in agreement.

Finney then presented the information required for the hiring of Richard Bailey as a part-time township employee. Leonard made a motion to hire Baily at the same $12.25 rate as the previous part-time hire. All voted to approve the motion.

Matota reported that he has spoken with the township’s insurer regarding volunteer projects on township property, and that they recommended the township put a “hold harmless” agreement in place. Meduri provided feedback, and a few examples of hold harmless waiver for the trustees to build on. It has become a township policy that any time the township has people get involved with township projects, a hold harmless waiver must be signed.

Vanek received the revised information for township chip and seal projects. The specifications for the road project are still incorrect, despite Vanek sending the requirements for the projects to the County Engineer’s office multiple times. The incorrect information is causing a delay in bidding out road projects. Matota offered to make a trip to the County Engineer’s office to get things straightened out in person. Vanek also reported that the new part-time employees have been working well. His crew made first total pass of 2014 on all township roads, and they will be working alongside the crew from Garrettsville to birm Brosius Road.

VanDerHoeven handed in the zoning report, and reported that she had been in touch with Lisa at Regional Planning. No asbestos is present at any of the four properties listed in the latest Move Ohio Forward project. After the two week notification process, demolition can begin.

The trustees approved making an attempt at selling the boom mower for a $15,500 minimum on consignment at Chalker’s Auction in August. The funds from the sale could then be used to pave the way for the purchase of a much-needed replacement.

Leonard would like to order $600 worth of infield dirt from Brugmans. All trustees voted to approve the expense

An estimate on the fuel tank has been received in the amount of $17,615 but does not include tanks or electrical hookup. Leonard would like to rethink the installation on the project and have the road crew perform the installation. The project, as bid, would exceed $24,000 by the sole outside bidder (it’s a small job, and based on the estimate the bidder knows few others want the gig). The trustees reviewed the estimate. Elias will be getting in touch with the company that was supposed to be finding bids, and see where they are at in the process.

Leonard reported that 10 prisoners, courtesy of the Portage County Sheriff’s Office, would install the Pixley Park playground equipment on June 19th.

Following the signing of the checks the meeting was adjourned.



Benjamin Coll

Ben is the co-owner and editor of The Weekly Villager and actively guides the James A. Garfield Local School District's student media programs. He oversees GGtv broadcasting, the High School yearbook, and Podcasting initiatives, fostering student creativity for the JAG community. In Garrettsville, he serves as vice president of the Garrettsville Area Chamber, vice president of the Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, and contributes as a board member for the Nelson Garrettsville Community cupboard,

Anton Albert Photography
Benjamin Coll
Ben is the co-owner and editor of The Weekly Villager and actively guides the James A. Garfield Local School District's student media programs. He oversees GGtv broadcasting, the High School yearbook, and Podcasting initiatives, fostering student creativity for the JAG community. In Garrettsville, he serves as vice president of the Garrettsville Area Chamber, vice president of the Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, and contributes as a board member for the Nelson Garrettsville Community cupboard,