Home News Nelson Township Trustee News

Nelson Township Trustee News


Nelson Twp – Officials present at the March 19th, 2014 trustee meeting were fiscal officer J. David Finney and township trustees Joe Leonard, Mike Elias, and Tom Matota. Also present were, Roads Supervisor Chuck Vanek, Zoning Inspector Anna Mae VanDerHoeven, and Community House Caretaker Michelle Cmunt.

Finney made copies of the NOPEC annual Report available on a first-come first-serve basis. 

As the first order of business, Finney presented the minutes of the March 5th meeting for approval as well as bills and wages to be paid totaling $14,404.55. Elias made a motion to accept the minutes as presented;  Matota seconded the motion. All trustees voted to approve the minutes. Elias made a motion to pay the bills & wages as presented, this motion was also seconded by Matota. All trustees voted in favor.

Leonard invited Chris Cavalier of Chris Cavalier PC Repair to present his proposal for the A/V System. The system quoted by Cavalier is portable, and would be usable outdoors. Includes 8 wireless microphones which was more cost effective than purchasing individual mics, a sound board and speakers. Matota asked whether the system would overpower the room. Cavalier explained that the system is powerful enough to be used indoors or outdoors, and can be adjusted accordingly for the space. He also assured the trustees that the system would be calibrated for the room so feedback or unintended noise shouldn’t be an issue. Elias noted that $3,000 was appropriated and made a motion to purchase the sound-system per Cavalier’s quote.

Mark Russell of Ellerhorst-Russell Insurance walked the trustees through the property and liability insurance for the township. Russell reported no base rate changes from prior year, and only minor fluctuations in premiums. He  has worked with Finney to submit an updated inventory, and explained to those present how the inventory breaks down in terms of the insurance policy. The township received $500 grant  to use for purchases that improve safety in the township. Elias made a motion to accept the renewal presentation made by Russell. Matota seconded the motion. The trustees voted 3:0 to approve the motion.

Cmunt mentioned that the Community Cleanup would be scheduled for May 3rd & 4th this year.

VanDerHoeven had nothing to present from Zoning.

Vanek reported that only one person has been in to look at the trailer offered for sale by the township. Vanek asked whether it would be better to take it to Chalker’s Auction. The trustees opted to reduce their asking price to $500 and see if it attracts any interested parties.  Vanek also informed the trustees that a culvert is causing problems with ice build-up. Matota asked Vanek to try to come up with proposals for what he plans to do for presentation at each meeting. Esentially a projected list of activities that may occur between the meetings.

Other discussion and information involved the county prosecutor’s office concerning Shanks Down Road, the state’s position on Nelson Circle and attempts to secure a vacant building.

Elias presented information on a boom-mower that he, Finney, and Vanek had researched. Financing is available on the equipment. Elias was not looking for a motion at this time, and was simply providing an update on the research. The trustees are looking into the purchase of equipment as the existing mower is an earlier 90’s model and in Vanek’s opinion continuing to maintain equipment and adapt newer mowers for older technology could get costly.

Finney walked the trustees through “Available Sources in 2014”. He looked at the appropriation that have been approved, and placed them into a spreadsheet that compares expenditures from prior year to. If

Leonard has been in touch with Marilyn Feller who owns the field near Pixley Park. Leonard had spoken with her in the past about using part of the field as an additional field, with the township filling in the low spots,  in exchange for keeping the field mowed for her. If there is an interest, Meduri could put together an agreement. Leonard made a motion to pursue a 5-10 year lease. Matota seconded. The motion carried unanimously.  The salt barn project is 2-3 weeks out. Yarnell tree service has removed the dead tree from the site of the planned veteran’s memorial park. Leonard also presented information about playground equipment to show a couple of options that are availble for Pixley Park. He would like to discuss playground equipment at the next meeting. Zoning Board secretaries are inquiring about being paid a little better for recording the minutes. They would like to receive $50 per meeting for their services.Leonard made a motion that secretaries for both zoning boards receive $50 per meeting. Seconed by Elias. All trustees voted to approve. Waiting on Stanley tanks.

The Drug Task Force presentation has been rescheduled for April 10th at 7pm.

Following a brief executive session, Leonard made a motion to hire a Mr. Terry Dobbins, effective April 15th at the same rate of pay as last year’s part-time employee, Elias seconded the motion. All trustees voted in favor.

Benjamin Coll

Ben is the co-owner and editor of The Weekly Villager and actively guides the James A. Garfield Local School District's student media programs. He oversees GGtv broadcasting, the High School yearbook, and Podcasting initiatives, fostering student creativity for the JAG community. In Garrettsville, he serves as vice president of the Garrettsville Area Chamber, vice president of the Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, and contributes as a board member for the Nelson Garrettsville Community cupboard,

Anton Albert Photography
Benjamin Coll
Ben is the co-owner and editor of The Weekly Villager and actively guides the James A. Garfield Local School District's student media programs. He oversees GGtv broadcasting, the High School yearbook, and Podcasting initiatives, fostering student creativity for the JAG community. In Garrettsville, he serves as vice president of the Garrettsville Area Chamber, vice president of the Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs, and contributes as a board member for the Nelson Garrettsville Community cupboard,