Home News Nelson Awards Road Bid to H.Luli Contracting

Nelson Awards Road Bid to H.Luli Contracting


Nelson Twp. – Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting last week with all board members present. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the reading of the minutes from the August 17th meeting. The minutes were approved as read as well as the bank reconciliation and expenditures.
The trustees opened sealed bids for chip-n-sealing of Pritchard, Paul, Sofia, and Bancroft Roads along with the service garage entrance. The township had received two bids one from Hughes Contracting and one from H Luli Contracting. After a discussion on the bids the trustees awarded the contract to H.Luli Contracting for $47,413.40 to do all the roads and service garage entrance. The contract was awarded to the lowest bidder.
The board received two applications for open positions, one on the Zoning Commission and one on the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). Trustees Bill Wilson and Joe Leonard were unfamiliar with one candidate and would like to meet him prior to appointing him to the BZA. The other candidate, Mr. Monroe Kuhns, was very familiar to the board and was appointed to serve on the zoning commission. Mr. Kuhns is the first Amish man to serve in a political position in the area.
Road supervisor Chuck Vanek said the 2003 plow truck needed some body work and they would do it in-house. He originally stated that they would spot sand the bed, but after some discussion the trustees agreed to have the entire bed sandblasted along with doing the grease fittings, brakes and other mechanical work before winter hits.
He also requested 60 ton of asphalt to be used to repair roads. The trustees approved his request.
It was noted that they were unable to get the Community House in compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA) in time for elections so the voting will remain at the service garage at Pixley Park.
Pixley Park has a new sign installed and some playground equipment installed as well. Thanks to the Tabor Family for donating the playground equipment to the park. The work continues on the dugouts and the 16’x 16’ storage building and will be finished soon. The Pixley Park Development Committee has set October 1, 2011 as the date for the Harvest Moon Festival and Pig Roast at the Community House.
The trustee agreed to purchase one new computer to be used by the zoning inspector and township garage. The computer and proper software is not to exceed $600.
The trustees agreed to contact J.C Electric and see about getting the heating and cooling electrical service ready for the new system. The deadline with the grant to get the entire project finished is approaching and they need to get the work done soon.
Leonard stated that a concerned citizen asked if the township would hold a meet the candidate night at the Community House. the township will not host the event but the citizen may organize one and use the Community House.
One resident inquired about using his camper to stay on his property over the weekend while he is clearing the land and getting it ready for a permanent dwelling. Trustee Leonard had previously been contacted about the issue and had sought out legal counsel from the prosecutor on the issue. Since zoning doesn’t directly address the issue, it is illegal to do so according to assistant prosecutor Chris Meduri. Leonard addressed the zoning commission and thought this was another area that they needed to update in their zoning code. It was suggested that they have written in the code various uses provisions for conditional permits for various reasons. The commission will look at this issue, but for now he can not use a camper as a temporary unit while working his land.
The board meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Community House. More township news can be found at www.nelsontownshipohio.org.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography