Home News Nelson Approves Door and Window Bids

Nelson Approves Door and Window Bids


Nelson Twp. – Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all the trustees and fiscal officer present. Items on the agenda were: approve bids for doors and windows at the community house, fill zoning and zoning appeals positions, select fire department representative and community ambulance representative, set mileage reimbursement rates, and approve repairs for the truck.

The board reviewed the bids for new doors at the community house and after some discussion they agreed to reject the lowest bid due to its being out of the normal range and incompletely bid. The bid from AMM Doors & Supply for $12,087 was accepted. They accepted the bid for windows from Hershberger Windows for about $10,200 and decided to go with vinyl windows instead of aluminum.

The trustees voted to re-appoint Sam Vanderhoeven to the Zoning Commission Board and also decided to table a decision on the zoning appeals positions until the next meeting so they will have a chance to interview the candidates. The next item on the agenda was to choose representatives to the Garrettsville-Freedom- Nelson Fire District G.F.N.F.D. and to Community Ambulance Board. After some discussion the trustees re-elected Jim Turos to the G.F.N.F.D. and Bill Wilson to the ambulance board. The trustees decided to go with the IRS standard $.50 a mile for mileage reimbursement for travel when conducting township business or attending various meetings and or seminars.

In other business they approved the repair of the clutch on the small truck, and set spring clean-up date for April 30 & May 1, 2011.  Insurance discussion was brought up by Trustee Jim Turos on whether they should set a policy on reimbursements for spouses for their social security payment reductions when they are using Medicare insurance as their primary insurance rather than the townships insurance for their primary insurance. The question was brought up because the trustees voted at a previous meeting to reimburse a trustee for the difference in his losses in his social security payments because of his expenses on his Medicare premium. After some discussion they agreed to table this until they could check into the laws on this issue prior to establishing a policy. The trustees meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 at Pixley Park.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography