Home Kent Musical Musings ~ The Marilyn DeFrange Trio

Musical Musings ~ The Marilyn DeFrange Trio


It was a blustery spring Friday evening in Portage County.  This reporter had a bit of cabin fever, so decided to engage in a favorite hobby-going to catch a bit of Live Music.  Many venues have opened back up in this time of reduced covid numbers, so there were plenty of options.  Marilyn DeFrange, a familiar name from my home-town of Kent, was playing with her trio at the Venice Café.  Checking the venue out online promised some good food as well as great music, so Ethel goes out for the evening.

The show starts at eight, but I got there early, hoping to have a few words with the musicians.  Fighting for a parking spot in Kent is always an issue, but luck got me one nearby, and the meter stated Free. Amazing how little things like that set the tone for the evening, but it set a great tone.  The evening did not disappoint.  Upon entering, I was able to snag the last open table, as luck would have it, I was right by the stage.  With a capacity crowd, I wondered if it was because of the Trio, the food, the specials, or just the weather that brought everyone out. 

With the help of the waiter, I made myself known to Marilyn, and she generously gave me some of her time.  As a performing musician, I know what the hour before performance is like; anxiously setting up, making sure all the equipment is working, focusing on the music, tuning, trying to take care of yourself because you belong to the audience once the show starts-I was happy she could spend the time!   She kindly introduced me to the members of her band. Fred Tribuzzo is the bass and guitar player.  Rod Reisman is the percussionist.  They have worked together before…long-time residents of the area may remember Baby Sirloin.  Marilyn had to get back to business; setting up for a gig is never quick and easy! The sound check was at 7:30. Suddenly, the café was transformed into a musical wonder, and this was only the soundcheck!    

My meal came just then.  On the corner of Erie Street and Franklin Avenue, the Venice has been an iconic part of the Kent scene since it opened in 1941.  It has undergone some renovations since the new ownership, about 8 years ago.  The Erie Street Café has been operating from inside the Venice for almost 6 years.  Jeff Crowe, the manager of both the Venice and Erie Street Café, brings in farm fresh produce and clean ingredients to create some wonderful food.  The menu is varied, from pub favorites like Chicken Tenders and fries, to seafood specials to Gumbo.  The appetizers are eclectic and tasty.  My personal favorite is Goat Cheese Balls, served with jelly. Yum!  

Jeff tries to match up good food with good music in a comfortable atmosphere.  He does succeed!  Marilyn DeFrange Trio, the Numbers Band, BC Hudson’s Open Mic, just some of the music you can enjoy there.  In the multiple times I have visited, I have had excellent food every time, including this time.  

I sit back, happy belly, and enjoy the performance.  The trio plays together with the ease of old friends, and the pure enjoyment of the music radiates from each musician.  As they get into the groove, Rod watches first Fred, as he solos on the guitar, then Marilyn as her soulful voice beguiles the audience.  A smile lights up his face as he backs them with precision as well as feeling.  Fred has a ‘wardrobe change’ and switches to bass.  He performs on both with mastery, switching off as the music demands. Marilyn’s voice is low and heartfelt, capable of a whisper as well as belting it out.  No matter where you are sitting, it feels as if they are performing just for you.  Time slips by…

Too soon, I had to go, so I signed up on their contact list, left a tip, and slipped their card in my pocket.  I must get more information on this fantastic group, at the very least I wanted to know where they play next.  Actually, I wanted to know a great deal more…and Marilyn obliged.  Email can be a wonderful thing!

Marilyn grew up in Kent, in a musical family.  She claims no formal music training, but there was always singing at their home.  Her dad played honky-tonk piano, brothers Tom and Tim played guitar, brother Denis took to the piano.  Marilyn had access to a ukulele, and wrote her first song on it when she was 10.  Later, she got Tom’s hand-me-down guitar and taught herself to play, by the ‘hunt and peck’ method.  To this day, she has her unique way of writing down the chords she plays.  Fortunately, Fred understands her method and is quite able to build upon it. 

Her influences were primarily her family.  She was always a prolific composer, often writing 50 songs within a year.  Her taste in artists is ‘all over the map,’ including Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchel Todd Rundgren, Sting, the James Gang…

She met Rod through a mutual friend clear back at Roosevelt High School, in the 70’s. Fred and Rod met when Rod was playing with another Kent musical icon, 15-60-75, the Numbers Band. Fred and Rod met Marilyn when they were playing with her brother, Denis, for a live radio show on WKSU. Those four went on to form Baby Sirloin, a one-of-a-kind progressive band.  Baby Sirloin performed together for many years.  Kent really is a small town, but has a huge music scene!

Fred also had little formal training on the bass. He did take a few years of guitar lessons, after teaching himself the bass. As mentioned before, he was in Baby Sirloin and the Numbers Band.  He was also with Hotfoot and the Mike Reid Band. He won an award from the Ohio Arts Council for a composition for string quartet, oboe and piano.  The violinist in me is itching to have a go at that!

Rod is a sought-after drummer in the region.  He is also a teacher.  In addition to the MDTrio and Baby Sirloin he has played with many groups; Sextet Devo, the Numbers Band, Alex Bevan, First Light. And many more.

In 1980, Marilyn left Kent for California.  While there, she formed many groups and duos, and even produced 4 CDs.  She created the band, Roar, with David Raitt (Bonnie Raitt’s brother) on bass, and created some CDs with him. She did some collaboration with the Raitt siblings on David’s CD. She had her music playing on radio stations. The Coast, KOZT, was especially supportive. All this time, her day job was a manager at an area Senior Center.  After 30 years of California, many close-calls in the music biz, drought and forest fires, she decided to move back to her hometown of Kent.  Just in time for a pandemic…

While in California, she maintained contact with Fred, collaborating long distance.  When she returned, they practiced together during the covid years, honing their skills.  They brought Rod back on board and the trio was born!  They debuted at the Venice October 21, 2021.  

By now, you are probably wanting me to describe their music, perhaps to put a label on it.  Hmmm, hard task.  Sometimes it smacks of jazz, sometimes blues, sometimes a smattering of reggae shows up.  So, it is eclectic, though it seems to always have a foundation in rhythm and blues.  But, always Marilyn!  Though most of the music they perform is original Marilyn, they will do some covers, but with their own spin. The melody and lyrics need to move Marilyn in order for her to be interested in performing it.  She has to relate to the message in some way to share it with her audience. 

She has many inspirations for her music; sometimes the joy of everyday life, often it is rooted in nature.  She frequently writes after navigating a difficult situation and gaining wisdom from her experience.  Sometimes things just pop out, as with Carry the Water, which is about a crafty lion laying in wait for villagers when they go out for water.  You can find the lyrics and a link for the music on her website, defrangemusic.com. 

So, Marilyn, what is your favorite song?  Ohhh, hard question!  Her songs are her children, one should never favor a child…She does try to create a song that not only has personal meaning for her, connects to her audience, but she likes to make it musically interesting.  She does enjoy the musical roller coaster ride that comes with “Place of Dreams.” “Who I used to Be,” is also a favorite.  As she explains, “Everyone, at some point, goes through a down and dark period in their lives where they question who they are.” Fred and Rod also enjoy this song. 

Marilyn has found her following is still around, and now is growing.  She claims to appeal to the over 50 crowd, but as I looked around at the crowd, there were many hair lines that weren’t receding, and not everyone was graying.  The trio’s music appeals across the ages.  She is very grateful to express herself and grow her music with dear friends.  

When I first stepped into the Venice that night, I wondered what drew a capacity crowd.  It was the music.  It was the excellent food.  It was the unique ambiance.  But mostly, I think it was the music. 

Check them out on the web at http//defrangemusic.com/home.  They will be performing at the Venice again on Friday, April 22, 2022.  Marilyn will be posting some solo gigs soon, so be sure to keep an eye out for her posts.

Ethel Wupperman