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MSFD Board News


Mantua – At the last meeting, Fire Chief Matt Roosa informed the Board that a Department in Indiana purchased the 2006 wheeled coach vehicle offered for sale at a price of $9,000. The new squad has been ordered and is in production; it should be delivered by the end of November.

In other news, he shared that the Department is currently reviewing health insurance providers; coverage for Shalersville and Mantua Township employees will also be included in the quotations. In other news, Assistant Chief Mullins presented the Board with a proposed contract for part-time employees. Among some of the changes from previous contracts are that the starting wage was moved from $12 per hour to $15 per hour to keep competitive with surrounding communities and that employees would receive a clothing allowance in order for the Department to realize more savings in purchases and consistency in clothing items. The Board approved the contract as presented to them.

In September, the Department participated in Safety Town at Crestwood Primary School. During the week-long program, volunteers met with kindergarteners to share fire prevention and safety tips. Both the MSFD and the Hiram Fire Department spent time with students, giving them the opportunity to ask questions, see firefighters in full turn-out gear, and to view emergency response vehicles up close. “It’s important for us to give kids the chance to see us in our face masks and full gear, which can sometimes make us look big and scary, “ shared Assistant Chief Mullins. “That way, if they encounter us in an emergency situation, they won’t be afraid when we come to help.” The Department will return to CPS in October to share fire safety tips with first and second graders during Fire Safety Month.

The next regularly scheduled Fire Board meeting will be held at the Station on Monday, October 9th at 6 pm. Residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography