Home Schools Mobile Dentist Coming To Garfield Schools

Mobile Dentist Coming To Garfield Schools


Garrettsville – James A Garfield Schools is hosting the Smile Programs mobile dentist in January.  Children can use their insurance, Medicaid, or apply with grant forms for dental care at no cost.  There are also subsidized fees for those who choose to pay for preventive care.

Tooth decay is the most common chronic and infectious disease among children.  In addition, children with oral disease can suffer with pain, have difficulty eating, and miss more days of school than children with good dental health.

The dental team will set up a mini-dental office at the school and provide services for all children who return completed forms.

The Smile Programs has been servicing schools, and creating healthy smiles, for over 14 years.  All dentists are state licensed and will conduct a complete dental exam including cleaning and fluoride treatments.

Signing up your children to see the mobile dental team is an easy way for them to get necessary dental care.  Parents who want their child to see the dentist at the school just need to complete the permission slip being sent home with students and return it to school by 12/16/11.

You can learn more about Smile Programs by going to mobiledentists.com, contacting your child’s school, or contacting the school nurse, Susan Poole.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography