Home Middlefield Middlefield Sidewalk & Community Garage Sales July 9 & 10, 2021

Middlefield Sidewalk & Community Garage Sales July 9 & 10, 2021


Middlefield – Watch for our businesses holding Sidewalk Sales, restaurants with specials, and residents holding their Garage Sales these dates.

Raffle Tickets being sold at various locations where signs are posted: RadioActive Electronics, Shetler Office Solutions, Living Well Holistic Health, Huntington Bank. You can get Raffle Tickets through the mail by calling 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com, or by messaging the Chamber on facebook. Mail: send legal size self addressed, stamped envelope to P.O. Box 801, Middlefield, OH 44062 with your name, email, phone # and check written to Middlefield Chamber of Commerce.

Tickets are $10 each and we are selling just 1,000. Funds being raised for the Scholarship Fund and other community events and services.

To : to hold your own Garage Sale, contact the Village of Middlefield for a permit, no cost, 440-632-5428.


Anton Albert Photography