Home News Mespo Fall Heritage Day

Mespo Fall Heritage Day


Mesopotamia – The 10th Annual Mesopotamia Fall Heritage Day, to be held at the Mesopotamia Commons, on Saturday, October 1, 2011, from 10 am to 4 pm.
There is no admission charge for this event.
The Mesopotamia Fall Heritage Day brings together skilled artisans in traditional Amish and Yankee crafts from the greater Mespo area. Crafters in period costume perform outdoor demonstrations that include soap making, quilting, rag rug weaving, basket weaving, apple butter cooking, blacksmithing, candle making, leather working, spinning, and much more. An annual quilt raffle is held on the premises at 3 PM.

The Mesopotamia Fall Heritage Day is a family-friendly event that features homemade ice cream, apple butter-making, an Amish bake sale with fried pies, a delicious lunch stand. There are old-fashioned quality craft sales and fun festivities that appeal to all ages.
This year Sister Jean the Ragtime Queen will perform ragtime music on the piano.  Children will be enlisted to play on old spoons, rhythmic instruments and antique washboards.
Proceeds from this event are contributed to the Mespo Chamber of Commerce. For more information, contact Scott Schaden at 440-693-4295.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography