Home Other Areas Mayor’s Spring Update For The Village of Garrettsville

Mayor’s Spring Update For The Village of Garrettsville


Garrettsville – The Portage County Engineer’s office is responsible for safety and maintenance for the two bridges on Liberty Street.
The County Engineers have closed the Liberty Street Bridge between Center St and Park Ave. and the sidewalk/bridge near Water St and Liberty St. after their annual bridge inspection on Friday last week.
Drivers on Liberty Street should use caution when approaching the bridge at Water and Liberty for pedestrian safety. The curve and the narrow road make it important for drivers to slow down below the 25 MPH speed limit to assurer pedestrian safety.
I will update the bridge repair schedule when I have had a chance to talk to the County Engineer.
The Village Council and Mayor and Clerk will hold a Finance Review work session   at 6:45 May 11, 2011 before the Council meeting which starts at 7:30PM.
The financial review will look to the past two years and our current budget information to make sure we have a good perspective on what we know and what we do not know about the village’s financial position  going forward
Related to Village finances in 20012 and 2013Recently the Governor’s office has proposed a reduction in local funds by 25% in 2012 and 50% in 2013 which translates into an approximate reduction to Garrettsville of $35,000 in 2012.
In other news, Council has authorized the Mayor to gather information and explore the possible donation of the Paul’s Lumber Yard property from Sun Life Financial who is the  current owner.

The St. Patrick’s Day Celebration was a rousing success.

After a difficult winter, plans for much-needed road repairs include cold patch for potholes, hot patch when asphalt plants are open, crack sealing and chip-and- seal on some roads and the Village parking lots.  Also slated as the village budget allows, plans for grinding out and repaving small parts of State Route 88 and State Route 82.

Council has authorized a new canine vehicle for” Taz” our police dog and Lt.  Christopher, his handler, at a cost of $48,000 fully- equipped and a dump truck/snow plow for the Street Department at a cost of about $50,000.
The annual eight community Garage Sale is slated for May 21 and 22nd with Village cleanup to follow May 26th.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography