Home News Mayoral Appointments and Boardwalk Lighting Concerns

Mayoral Appointments and Boardwalk Lighting Concerns

Pictured above at the Annual Garrettville Village Council Christmas Dinner at Main Street Grille & Brewing company, Garrettsville Solicitor/ Attorney Michelle Stuck swore in Mayor Craig Moser, Council President Rick Patrick & Councilman Jeff Kaiser on January 4, 2012.

Garrettsville – Village Council met on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 for their first regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the new year.  Minutes from the December council meeting were approved.  A motion was then made to nominate councilman Rick Patrick as the 2012 Village Council President.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.  The Mayor then read his 2012 State of the Village Report. The mayor asked for a motion to approve his 2012 slate of appointments to Village Boards and Committees.  The motion was made, seconded, and approved. They are as follows:

  • Streets, Parks and Cemetery: Chuck Klamer
  • Housing Officer: Bob Matson
  • Utilities: Karen Clyde
  • Finance: All Council Members
  • Village Properties and Sidewalks: Chuck Klamer and Steve Hadzinsky
  • Village Employees Salary Committee: All Council Members
  • Safety Committee: Bob Matson, Jeff Kaiser
  • Portage County Regional Planning: Rick Patrick
  • EMS District Representative: Jeff Kaiser
  • Fire District Representative: Bob Matson
  • Planning Commission: Don Harvey, Steve Hadzinsky, Gerald Kehoe, Tom Hardesty and Craig Moser
  • Income Tax Review Board: Bob Matson, Valerie McCullough, Michele Stuck, and Chuck Clammer
  • Board of Zoning Appeals: Larry Eiermann, David Kirk, Jeff Kaiser
  • Design Review Board: Carolyn Sendry, Hallie Higgins, Roger Angel, Connie Knop and Larry Seaman
  • Records Committee: Nancy Baldwin and Craig Moser
  • Audit Committee: Nancy Baldwin, Bob Matson, Gretchen Cram

Revenue, expenditure, cash balance, and income tax reports were reviewed.  There was again, a brief discussion on the financial state of the Village.   The Mayor remarked that income tax revenue as a whole was up, however, expenditures had been slightly more than they had taken in for 2011 due to some large purchases and carry-over expenses from 2010.  The Mayor is optimistic about 2012 income and expenses for the Village and praised efforts in the collection of delinquent taxes.  He also stated that the majority of the 1.6 million dollars for the Village annual  budget pays for personnel.

Next on the agenda was Resolution 2012-01 expressing the intent of Council to dispose of property owned by the Village through internet auction.  This property is no longer needed for public use, or obsolete or unfit for use for which it was originally acquired.  A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed.

The Mayor asked Council to consider establishing a Tax Incentive Review Council to oversee any enterprise tax agreements that might  be entered into as part of the Economic Development Program for the area.  The new ‘watch dog’ group will consist of existing Council Members and will be further discussed at the February Council meeting.

Next, Council discussed Resolution 2012-2, which opposes Centralized Tax Collection in the State of Ohio.  HB 153, which recently passed, could allow the State to make municipal tax forms uniform and possibly allow the State to act as a clearing house for municipal tax filing and collection, which in turn may allow the State to attempt to ‘share’ in the revenue that should be strictly for the municipalities collecting it.  After some discussion and clarification of language in the Resolution Council unanimously passed it.

The Mayor then asked for any comments or concerns from the gallery.  A Shawnee Trail resident reported on a recent incident involving a semi truck that had come down the road and then was unable to turn around without damaging the center grass area of the cul-de-sac.  He stated that this has happened in the past and is asking Council to put up a sign at the Wheeler Rd. intersection that states “No Outlet” for Shawnee Trail.  He also asked for the Village to help repair the ruts that were created in the grass by the semi.

During round-table discussion, Councilman Matson reported that the Fire Board approved the replacement of the tank on the fire department’s tanker truck.  He said it will cost approximately $32,000.  Councilman Klamer stated that the school board had been contacted about possible drilling on school property but that the school board has not made any decisions regarding that endeavor.

Council President Rick Patrick reported that he had picked up the leaf vacuum that they had bid on and won.  He said it is in “like-new” condition and has had very few hours of service.  The total cost for the vacuum including transportation was approximately $6000.  He stated that this was an inexpensive way to try out the leaf pick-up program to see how it works.  He said that the street department would also still pick up bagged leaves.

The Mayor reported that he is interested in finding out more information about consolidating dispatch services for the Village with the county.  He will email the county commissioners regarding their inquiry to the Village.

The Mayor invites all residents, business and property owners to talk with him about any concerns or suggestions for the Village.  He is continuing to ask for input on the Boardwalk lights.  He said he has had a couple of people voice their opinions but he wants more input.  He stated that the Boardwalk lights are adjustable and the angle can be changed to redirect it giving the illusion of dimming it.  Facing the lights downward would also light the water more.  Comments can be emailed to the Mayor directly at mayor@garrettsville.org  or you may call the Mayor Village Hall.

The next regular Village Council meeting will be held on February 8th.  The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography