Home Other Areas Mayor Linda Clark Seeks Cooperation in Revitalizing Mantua

Mayor Linda Clark Seeks Cooperation in Revitalizing Mantua


Mantua – Mayor Linda Clark recently presented her first State of the Village address of the  new year to village council, appealing to residents and business owners to take active part in the change they voted for when they elected her to office last November.
“Attend our meetings,  contact myself or any council member with ideas, suggestions or complaints that will help the village grow in the right direction and continue to be the friendly and welcoming village that we once were and hope to be again. Remember the days when friends and neighbors were always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need?  Let’s bring that caring back to the village.”
And on that note, the council member-turned-mayor announced that committee members are still needed for the Cemetery, Shade Tree and Parks committees. A lifelong Mantua resident, Clark is a Crestwood High graduate. In her mayoral campaign, Clark focused her goals of seeking ways to cut costs to keep the village from going any further in debt, and being removed from ‘fiscal watch’ status sometime in 2012.
In veiled references to related troubles in former Mayor Donna Hawkins’ term, Mayor Clark stated that progress is being made within Mantua village leadership, including:
“Teamwork within the official family to help us regain the trust and respect of the citizens;
Ensure transparency in our government;
Continue to reduce spending without eroding services:
Work with the citizens and business owners and civic groups as a team to create an environment that will fill empty storefronts with viable, sustainable businesses.”
Regarding Mantua’s wastewater treatment plant, Clark said, “Our trial test period of septage receiving is proving to be going in the right direction. The revenues thus far are enabling us to begin much needed maintenance at the WWTP.” A new chopper pump will increase plant efficiency and reduce man-hours that are currently used to maintain and repair current equipment. Additional updated equipment including a blower and alum pump will be purchased   as funds become available.
Regional cooperation with the new Streetsboro Mayor Glenn Broska, Shalersville trustees, Mantua trustees, and with the City of Ravenna is under discussion, to be brought to Mantua Council as ideas take shape, such as applying for an Innovation Grant for communities that agree to shared services. The cities of Kent and Ravenna are considering purchasing equipment that will process road grindings into hot patch (valued at $150 per ton). Using this equipment, the processed grindings would be available for less than half price. “I feel it warrants investigating to get an exact cost, and how they will split the cost with smaller villages if we are interested,” Clark said.
Clark concluded her presentation with a quote from Mark Twain, “which has become my motto and hopefully that of Village Council, Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it’s the lightning that does the work. I choose to be the lightning and I hope the rest of Council will be the lightning with me.”

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography