Home News Master Gardeners of Summit County “Tour of Gardens”

Master Gardeners of Summit County “Tour of Gardens”


Spring is here and area gardeners are preparing for this summer’s tour, Garden Spaces for Everyday Living.  The 13th Annual Master Gardeners of Summit County Tour is scheduled for Saturday, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

Tour tickets are limited and must be purchased in advance.  They will be available for $15 at Donzell’s Flower and Garden Center in Akron, Graf Growers Garden Center in Copley Township and Suncrest Gardens in Boston Township beginning May 1 until June 21 or until sold out.  Tickets may also be ordered by mail until June 12 by sending a check and self-addressed stamped envelope to MG tour of Gardens, c/o MG Tickets, P O Box 707 Bath, Oh 44210.

Master Gardeners of Summit County provide seed money to support educational activities such as teaching children to raise their own vegetables and helping community gardeners improve their yield.  Our master gardeners also make many presentations to interested organizations on all aspects of gardening and landscaping.

The self-guided tour will include stops at private gardens in Summit County.  For additional information including a downloadable registration form, visit our website http://www.summitmastergardeners.org  or call  330-861-6678


Anton Albert Photography