Home News Maplewood Evening Programs for Adults

Maplewood Evening Programs for Adults


Now is the time to sign up for evening adult classes at Maplewood Career Center.  Maplewood Career Center’s Adult Education Department has scholarships for adults for most programs starting at $500 per program.   We have no-interest payment plans and placement services to help adult students gain employment after program completion. 

Upcoming spring programs include:  Cosmetology, Dental Assisting, Medical Billing & Coding, Phlebotomy, Industrial Maintenance, Modular Industrial Maintenance Electrical, Fluid Power or Mechanical, or Modular Welding. 

If you need  your high school diploma, live in Ohio, and are 18 or over we have the Adult Diploma Program.   An adult takes a Work Keys assessment in:  Graphic literacy, applied math, and workplace documents scoring a 12+ along with one of these programs:  Dental Assisting, Medical Billing & Coding, Modular Welding, Phlebotomy, Precision Machining, ServSafe, or Understanding Retail and earn a certification.  The result is an adult that is work ready and has earned their high school diploma through the State of Ohio. Maplewood Career Center partners with Ohio Options through the Ohio Department of Higher Education to bring you the Adult Diploma Program free-of-charge. 

If you would like further information, please go to our website at www.mwood.cc under Workforce Development and click on Programs or call (330) 296-2892, Ext. #551011.   
