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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At the last Village Council meeting, Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes was present to share his department’s 2015 accomplishments. He noted that during the past year, they launched a new web site and Facebook page to better communicate with residents. Residents may now pay their tax bills online, and also have access to valuable information on how to budget, avoid debt, and make good financial decisions. Mr. Cromes also highlighted the Land Bank efforts to clean up blighted properties around the county, and shared information on the county’s Home Improvement Program, through which eligible residents can receive low interest loans for home improvement projects. For more information, visit www.co.portage.oh.us/treasurer/.

Next, the Mayor recognized Patrolman Paul Maroni for 20 years of service to the Mantua Village Police Department. After thanking him for his service, Mayor Clark went on to swear in Sergeant Joe Urso while his wife, Andrea, proudly looked on. In similar news, Police Chief Harry Buchert reported that the Buckeye Pipeline donated $750 to the Police Capital Fund.

Similarly, Mayor Clark noted that the Village Tavern and Crestwood Lions donated 15 watering cans for use at the cemetery at a value of $75. And that Brugmann’s donated approximately 127 tons of gravel for a turn around for loading and unloading canoes and kayaks at Village Park. The Estimated value of the donation was $2,540. She noted that the Service Department designed and installed the drive.

In other news, Mayor Clark announced that after interviewing several applicants for the Village Administrator position, Council approved a motion to fill the position. The applicant’s name and start date were withheld pending notification of the individual’s current employer. Next, Mayor Clark shared a letter she had received from a 15-year-old  female regarding President Obama’s mandate regarding public restrooms. The letter-writer urged Council to pass legislation that would require individuals to use the restroom of their biological sex, and not choose a restroom based on the gender they “identify with.” Although Mayor Clark nor Council commented on the topic or the letter, Mayor Clark later shared, “I think it’s admirable that she felt strongly enough to write a letter stating her feelings on such a controversial topic.”

In other news, it was noted that the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC) pledged $5,000 to have CT Consultants develop a Master Plan for Village Park. The plan would be used to help facilitate grant applications for future park projects. In related news, Village Engineer Rich Iafelice noted that the due date for bids on the High Street Roadway Improvement project would be extended by two weeks so that testing could be conducted along the route east of the river. Mr. Iafelice advised that testing is needed, since petroleum was found in the soil when the bridge was redone last year. At that time, 800 tons of contaminated soil was removed at the expense of the county. If petroleum contamination is found in the new work zone, potential contractors must be made aware prior to the bid process.

Lastly, Mayor Clark appointed two individuals to the Income Tax Review Board — residents Karen Edmondson and Roy Peck. One more person is needed; interested parties may call (330) 274-8776. The next Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 19th at 7 pm. Residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography