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Mantua Village News


Mantua – In her report, Mayor Linda Clark announced the unofficial report that issue 42 passed by 12 votes. She remains cautiously optimistic until the absentee and provisional votes are counted, but stated, “I want to thank the voters for their support of issue 42 and a very big thank you to the DMRC. I feel without their help in promoting issue 42, it would not have passed.” 

In addition, she shared word that ODOT plans to open the bridge on State Route 44 at the south end of the village on Tuesday Nov 25. The village will hold a brief opening ceremony for the bridge and sidewalk project at 2 pm. 

In his report, Police Chief Harry Buchert informed Council that the Police Department was in the process of purchasing a K9, to be used in Crestwood Schools by Student Resource Officer Joe Urso. The K9 is trained in narcotics, and was offered to the Department by Excel K9 Services in Hiram. The Department has raised $3,400 in donations toward the cost of the dog and training needed. There are three fundraisers currently in progress at the schools. Buchert assured Council that the pending purchase would have no impact on the General Fund.

Village Administrator Kate Rogers updated Council on the Service Department projects currently underway. She noted that the repairs to the wastewater treatment plant were in process as was general winter readiness. She reported that due to the low salt supply, the Service Department would be directing the limited salt supply on safety areas (hills, intersections and curves), just as neighboring communities plan to do. In addition, she thanked the DMRC for their donation of holiday banners valued at $400. Moving on, Rogers asked Council’s permission to approve a purchase order to replace the park lodge roof. After some discussion, Council approved this expenditure at a value not to exceed $6,300. Council also approved a purchase order for a trailer to haul Service Department equipment.

Village Engineer Rich Iafelice reported that the village has received an OPWC grant for improvements and upgrades to the Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment plants. The funds will be available in July 2015, but Iafelice would like to complete the construction documents in late winter or early spring to start the project as soon as the funds are received.

Next up, Edie Benner, President of the DMRC, discussed plans to utilize a grant her group had procured to add decorative light poles and landscaping at the south end of the village. According to Benner, the DMRC had identified Union Metals in Canton as a potential supplier of the necessary light poles. She provided images for Council’s selection — Council unanimously chose the “Euclid” style as the historic light post to be used in the village.

In other news, Council approved a motion approving the village’s participation in the Historic Landmark Commission. The group will work together with like-minded groups, including the DMRC and Mantua Restoration Society to help foster an appreciation of the area’s historic structures. 

Lastly, it was announced that Advanced Rehab will hold its annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day at 8 am. Then, to help spread a little holiday cheer, on December 5th at 6 pm, The Mantua-Shalersville Chamber of Commerce will host Santa’s visit the village’s mini park. The following day, Saturday, the 6th, the Jingle Bell Jog, hosted by the Crestwood High School Band Boosters will be held at 9 am at the High School. 

The next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Mantua Village Council will be held on Tuesday, December 16th at 7 pm. Residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography