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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At the April meeting of the Mantua Village Council, Mayor Clark announced that Mantua received a proclamation for Arbor Day denoting the Village as Tree City USA. This is the eighteenth year the Village has received this designation.  In addition, Mayor Clark announced that the current Zoning Inspector Devin Hale, has tendered his resignation, effective 4/30. The Mayor has two parties interested in the position, and is conducting interviews to fill the opening.

In other news, Council approved an ordinance to permit a transition to monthly water and sewer billing. This change means that both residential and commercial water and sewer customers will see a change from quarterly to monthly billing cycles. This change will take effect on June 1st.

In the Engineer’s Report, Mr. Iafelice reported that the Crestwood Sanitary Sewer project was delayed and scheduled to start on April 14th. Completion date remains at May 31st. He also reported that the bid date for the Sidewalk Engineering project on State Route 44 was on 4/24. Lastly, Iafelice asked Council for authorization for a fee of $2,500 for technical assistance, consultation and construction coordination of an EMA grant for storm sewer and pavement repairs and additional authorization for $1,000 for OPWC grant funds for work on the Village’s waterline. Council approved these requests.

In his Department Report, Chief Buchert requested Council’s approval to donate the Department’s unneeded light bar to the Mantua Shalersville Fire Department and an unused computer stand to the Hiram Police Department. Council approved these donations. On behalf of the Shade Tree Committee, Mr. Clark reported that the tree donations and presentation were ready for a presentation at Crestwood Schools. He asked the Council accept donations from Middlefield Bank, McDonalds and the Shade Tree Committee, which they did.

At the close of regular business, Council convened to Executive Session to discuss discipline of a public official. When Council reconvened, it was announced that a letter of reprimand would be issued to Hal Stamm for placing an improper street marker at Canada Road and State Route 44. Prior to the close of the meeting, Council set up a Special meeting on April 29th to discuss emergency legislation.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Mantua Village Council will be May 20th at 7 pm.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography