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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At the last meeting, Mayor Clark shared that the applicant for the part-time administrative assistant position has picked up paperwork. According to Fiscal Clerk MaryAnn Fabian, the new administrative assistant may also be trained to help with payroll administration. It was noted that Council agreed to fill three service department positions; two positions have been filled. In addition, the position of Village Administrator is also vacant. It was noted that one Service Department employee may be interested in the Village Administrator position.

In Legislation, Council approved Resolution 2023-04, to renew an existing tax levy for the general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads and bridges within the village. As is required, the Village requested that the Portage County Auditor certify the total current tax valuation of the Village and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the renewal. This issue will be placed on the November 2023 ballot for consideration by residents.

In Mayor Linda Clark’s report, she noted that residents may notice survey stakes around the Village. She explained that Portage County Water Resources applied for a $6 million grant to replace water lines in the Village, and that their contractor, GDP, is currently surveying and marking lines.

In other news, Mayor Clark shared receipt of several special event forms. Advanced Rehab would like to host a Cinco de Mayo run/walk on May 5th at 6 pm, the Potato Stomp 5K on September 9th, Treats & Trails event on October 22nd, and a Turkey Trot on November 28th. In addition, the Triple Trail Fest is scheduled for June 2nd and 3rd and the Soapbox Derby is planned for June 14th through 18th. Council approved each event, pending receipt of proper insurance documentation.

On a similar note, Compass Packaging owner Phil Rath provided Council with an update from the DMRC. He noted that the group will hold its annual fundraiser on April 1st, and that tickets are currently available. He reiterated that the money raised by this group is used to help provide matching funds for Village improvement grants, like improvements to Village Park. On that note, he shared that Phase three improvements have been completed apart from an area of lawn that washed out and will be reseeded in the spring. He noted that Phase four improvements, which include completion of an ADA-accessible trail and improvements to the existing basketball court will be engineered in March with construction slated to begin in April. He noted that the DMRC can provide a check for Phase five, to repair the eave on the pavilion, once the Parks Committee approved moving forward on the project.

A committee has begun planning this summer’s Art on The Hill festival. The next meeting takes place on Tuesday, March 21st at 6:30 pm at Jake’s Eats. At the same date and time, the next regularly scheduled Mantua Village Council meeting will be held; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography