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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At October’s meeting, Phil Rath, a representative from DMRC, inquired again about the possibility of applying for a grant to rehabilitate the Mats Rd bridge under the Infrastructure Bill that was recently passed. It was noted that the bridge has been closed for five years, and ODOT has denied grant funding for this project twice. It was also noted that since the County now runs the water and wastewater plant located near the bridge, they have agreed to replace the road once the bridge has been repaired. Councilman Scott Weaver noted that the County now has the incentive to support the bridge project and suggested requesting their support on the matter.

Gene Arters from CT Consultants noted that ODOT representatives encouraged the Village to continue to try for funding for this project. Arters noted that the Federal grant was 25/75 or 30/70, which would mean the village would need to come up with approximately $200,000-$300,000 of their contribution. After some additional discussion, Council approved a motion directing Mayor Linda Clark to inquire about the matter with ODOT and to investigate the situation.

In a discussion regarding Ordinance 2022-50 relating to the Village Employee Handbook, Council President Tammy Meyer noted that another workshop is needed. Council set a date in early November to discuss this legislation. In addition, they set another date early in the month to discuss Ordinance 2022-51, which relates to 2023 appropriations. It’s the goal to conclude both workshops prior to the November Council meeting.

In his Police Report, Chief Joe Urso noted that he’ll soon be meeting with Fire Chief Matt Roosa to “button up” the dispatch contract. Urso also shared details of the Department’s Halloween Party, which took place on Sunday, October 30th. He noted receiving two donations for residents to be used for the event.
In his Village Administrator report, Greg Thomas noted that the Village’s snow removal equipment is ready to go. He noted that lodge rental has been very brisk most weekends at the park and will provide the next three months’ rental calendars to Councilwoman Nina Schroader for Parks Committee consideration. In other news, it was noted that several Crestwood High School student volunteers will be working at the Police Department, Village Hall, and Service Department. In his report to Council, Village Engineer Gene Arters shared that the Village would find out this fall whether they’ve received the Nature Works grant for park improvements. In addition, he shared that the West Franklin Street project grant application has been submitted for consideration.

In Service and Planning, VA Thomas compiled a list of catch basins to repair near Mantaline. In other news, it was rumored that a CDBG grant from Regional Planning has been approved to work on the façade of the block of buildings near R44. In addition, a project to update outdated sewer lines, which was submitted by Portage County, is also thought to have been approved. In similar news, Councilwoman Heather Paisley noted that the County has completed work on the reservoir. She noted that the County has removed debris and completed grading, noting how nice it looks. Lastly, Paisley noted that the Safety Committee will be procuring quotes for headstones for the Village’s deceased K9 officers Vader and Diablo.

On behalf of the Parks Committee, Nina Schroeder noted the group is comparing Park plans from 2016 to projects that have been completed and adding needs and wants. The group plans to discuss the revised list at the upcoming Capital Planning workshop. Lastly, Council passed a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss charges filed against a public official. As such, the minutes of this meeting are confidential, and therefore not available to the public.

The next regular Village Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography