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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At their last meeting, council met virtually with the two candidates who expressed interest in filling the open seat vacated by David Sluka. Members of Council had the opportunity to pose questions to the two residents, Tammy Meyer and Wes Collins, before convening in executive session to vote on the appointment. Tammy Meyer, who desires to serve and make a difference in the community, was chosen to fill the remainder of Mr. Sluka’s term. Councilman Matt Rosolowski was chosen to replace Sluka’s position as Council President.

In her report, Mayor Linda Clark reported that although the village didn’t receive funding from the Ohio Public Works Commission for the project, they recently received Small Government Funds to pave and complete repairs to storm and sanitary lines along West Prospect and High Streets. The village received a grant in the amount of roughly $337,000, a loan in the amount of $50,000, and will contribute $150,000 in local funds; the project will begin construction in the Spring of 2021.

Next, it was noted that the Village received roughly $64,000 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The funds have been used to purchase five ozone machines, cleaning supplies, and a 55-gallon drum of sanitizer and sprayers to clean picnic tables and chairs at public spaces throughout the Village. In addition, $7,000 was directed to the Mantua-Shalersville Fire District for Covid-related expenditures.

In his Police Report, Chief Joe Urso shared that Auxiliary Officer Nathan Boston was recently sworn in for service. He noted that the department recently received a federal Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) grant in the amount of nearly $4,000 to purchase mobile data terminals (MDTs). In other news, he reported that a faulty alarm at the Water Plant highlighted the need to update some of the existing safety procedures; he noted that procedural changes in dealing with hazardous materials will be discussed at the next service department meeting based on input from the MSFD. Village Administrator John Trew informed council that the alarm was the result of a sensor malfunction, and assured them that the situation did not pose danger to residents.

In other news, the village is accepting applications for a part-time service department worker. Visit the website to review the job description or to download an application, which can be submitted by email to John Trew, Village Administrator at mantauva@sbcglobal.net. Applications may also be left in the Village Hall Drop Box at 4650 West High Street or mailed to PO Box 775, Mantua, OH 44255.

Lastly, council will be holding a public hearing on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:30 pm, immediately followed by the regular monthly council meeting. The subject of the hearing will be: Ordinance 2020-30, amending Chapter 504 of the Mantua Zoning Ordinances relating to authority of the Planning Commission and BZA to waive fees; Ordinance 2020-31, amending Chapter 610 of the Mantua Zoning Ordinances relating to site plan review submissions. The hearing will be conducted via Zoom and live-streamed via YouTube. The link is available on the Village’s website.

The next regularly-scheduled Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 15th at 6:30 pm via live stream. Visit the Village of Mantua Virtual Village Hall channel on YouTube, or click the link at the Village’s website: mantuavillage.com.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography