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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At the last Village Council meeting, Council approved an ordinance authorizing an agreement to transfer the ownership and operation of the Village’s Water and Wastewater plants to Portage County. Many Village residents were in attendance to voice their opinions on the this Ordinance (2019-49), among them, former Mayor Donna Hawkins, who noted that a number of citizens were not aware of the monthly surcharge that would be added to each resident’s monthly water bill, adding that she, “thought it was a rumor.” She voiced her displeasure of the agreement, noting, “We’ve paid hefty water bills and were looking forward to the day they’d go away.”

Mayor Linda Clark noted that Village Engineers from CT Consultants conducted thorough facility assessment prior to Village discussions with the County. She reminded residents that Council had already instituted a 15% rate increase each year through 2024, and that the monthly service charge of $86.79 per month for the first year of service with the County is much less. The funds are crucial for repairs and maintenance to the aging plants. Clark noted that the current ‘Needs List’ for the plants is estimated at roughly $12 million, with improvements to take place over the next 10 years. She noted that any grants and low interest loans used to potentially lower the surcharge in future years of service. Hawkins noted her desire to let residents vote on the issue.

Councilman Dave Sluka stated, “Council has been left to remedy a situation that has not been addressed.” He went on to explain that an ad hoc committee or residents was involved in the process, which took place over a number of months leading up to that evening’s meeting. It was noted that much research was done, and several public meetings were held during the past six months, at which time residents were encouraged to discuss the matter. He stated, “The eleventh hour isn’t the time to interject.” 

Several residents in attendance also voiced displeasure at the rate increase, although one, who admitted to attending meetings regularly admitted, “this is really our only option,” and added, “we (the Village) have done this to ourselves.” Others agreed, but were concerned about the long-term effects on potential home sales.

Ordinance 2019-49 was approved by Council on November 19th, and will take effect on January 1st 2020. Village residents will receive their last bill from the Village in January, covering usage through the month of December 2019. The first bill from Portage County will be received in February 2020 based on January water and sewer usage.

Moving ahead, Mayor Linda Clark noted that Police Lieutenant Ken Justus resigned as of November 1st. She noted that Justus, who began his career in Mantua in 2003 and was promoted to Lieutenant on 2013 re-established the K9 program in the Village. She noted that Justus “will be sorely missed.”

Mayor Clark noted that Clark Magdych’s terms on the Landmark and Tax Review Boards have expired, but noted that he was willing to accept another term. Clark noted the same for Lisa Zamecnik on the Shade Tree Committee and Roy Peck for Income Tax Review Board and BZA. Council unanimously approved these appointments. Mayor Clark reminded Council that there are currently two open seats in the Landmark Committee, and asked that interested parties contact her office.

Lastly, Mayor Clark noted that the Village was recently honored to receive two plaques in honor of outdoor endeavors. The first, from the Cuyahoga River Water Trail Group, commemorated the Village’s participation in the Xtinguish Torchfest during the summer. The second was for leadership recognition from the West Creek Conservancy. Both plaques will be displayed at the Park Lodge.

The next Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30 pm in Council’s Chambers; residents are encouraged to attend
