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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At the last meeting, village residents Trish and Scott Snider raised their concerns in moving forward a project they hope to complete. The couple voiced their concerns that delays on behalf of the village are holding up their ability to move forward on a construction project. The couple is interested in converting the upper floor of their garage/woodshop barn into an apartment. They claim that the village is holding up this proposed project because of an unresolved issue with a well on their property, which was installed before they purchased their home.

According to the Sniders, who have lived at this residence for 16 years, the well in question was part of their property when they purchased the home. They were told it was ‘grandfathered’ in. According to the Sniders, the project they’re planning doesn’t impact the well. According to Village Administrator John Trew, the well could pose ‘cross-contamination concerns”. Council was unaware of the issue. Trew explained that the Snider’s issue was on the agenda of the Zoning meeting, which would take place later that week. 

Scott Sniders expressed frustration that the well issue, which he feels “should have been resolved two owners ago,” still generates the attention of village officials who, “rattle our cage every eight years.” The Sniders noted that the village’s Service Department came to install a meter on the well in an effort to measure the water usage, since the property utilizes the village sewer system. The Sniders pay their quarterly sewage bills, but commented about receiving letters notifying them that their well is in violation and telling them to hook up to the village water system or face penalties. They question the validity of these letters, adding, “There had to have been an agreement if the meter was installed.” Neither the village nor the Sniders have been able to locate documentation. “It’s not our fault, and it’s not their fault — it was a different administration,” Scott remarked. “We just want it resolved once and for all.”

Trish Snider noted that they need a clear understanding from the village in order to get a realistic cost estimate from their contractor on their proposed construction. They note that the village has requested a drawing from their contractor. Unfortunately, they say their contractor doesn’t know where to connect because that information hasn’t been forthcoming from the village. She sited changes in their household income and potential increases in sewer and water costs that may necessitate selling their home, and moving their residence and their charity organization out of Mantua. Scott Snider commented, “We want to keep Hero’s Rock in the village that we fell in love with.” The couple is looking forward to reaching a resolution to these issues. John Trew unavailable for comment on this issue.

In his Village Administrator report, John Trew notified council of a breach in the water system that created an overflow on State Route 44. He noted that a three-to-four-foot section of pipe was gone, “held together by roots,” and that the village is getting bids for the repairs. He noted that the EPA was notified, since sewage was released. Trew noted the “good news” that the breach was under a parking lot, and not the road. He noted the need to get the repair done ASAP; they will try to get it repaired prior to the paving project on State Route 44.

In other news, Mayor Linda Clark noted that the village is still in negotiations with the county, and the village is “looking out for the best interest of the residents.” She noted that the EPA mandated the Village to start the reservoir repair project by the end of the year. In similar news, council approved a motion to pursue moving forward on designing and soliciting grant funding to erect a single-span bridge on Mats Road. The mayor noted that the DMRC has committed to the project, as have several area businesses. Trew suggested that the village may pursue other funding sources as well.

Lastly, council voted to change the time for council meetings to 6:30 pm (instead of 7 pm) on the third Tuesday of each month. The next regular council meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography