Home News Mantua Village Implementing New Emergency Alert System

Mantua Village Implementing New Emergency Alert System


Mantua – The Village of Mantua Service Department is pleased to announce that it has implemented a new emergency alert system to notify residents and business owners of critical, time sensitive information.  The system works very much like the ones that Crestwood Schools and several surrounding communities have adopted.  Alerts may address water line emergencies, planned water line work, road closures, critical safety information, etc.  You will be able to choose to receive the updates by text message, e-mail or voice call.

The easiest way to sign up is to go to the AMG Alerts link on the left hand side of the Village’s homepage www.mantuavillage.com.  The sign-up page will ask for your most current contact information as well as your contact preferences.  If you cannot get to a computer, call Village Hall at (330) 274-8776 and we will help you through the process.  Sign up is optional, however we will soon start using the alerts instead of going door to door with notices.



Anton Albert Photography