Home Portage County Mantua Village Garden Club News

Mantua Village Garden Club News


The August meeting of the Mantua Village Garden Club will be held on August 13th, at noon, at the home of Diane Lottig.

The speaker for August will be Julie Robine (PTA, MPH, & CHES at Advanced Rehab). Julie will be discussing her suggestions and ideas on how to stay fit and healthy while gardening.

The afternoon will also include a light lunch and short business meeting. We welcome anyone who may be interested, to come and join us. Please call Diane Lottig for additional information and directions – 330-274-2868.
Last month, the club met at the home of Roger and Linda Hurd, to view, and learn about, gardening in raised beds. Roger and Linda began using raised beds when they built their home, on Pioneer Trail, in 1976, and found out that that their land was mainly clay.

After Roger gave the group details and advantages (and a few disadvantages), from his many years of gardening in raised beds, the group toured through his vast and bountiful beds. Several lucky club members took home some plump zucchinis.


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