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Mantua Village Garden Club News

Source: Mantua Soapworks
Source: Mantua Soapworks

Mantua – The Mantua Village Garden Club will meet on Monday, May 5th.  The meeting will start at noon with a light lunch and business meeting. Afterwards, Lynn Grove of Mantua Soap Works, will share her knowledge of homemade soaps, and similar other products that she makes.  For those interested in attending, please call Lea Lazar (330-274-0614), or Diane Lottig (330-274-268).  The MVGC would also like to invite everyone to their annual plant sale on May17th, from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, downtown, in the village, on Rt.44. The plant sale is our annual fund raiser, which we use to help buy flowers and plants to beautify Mantua.  For those who may be thinning out flower beds, in the next few weeks, we welcome any plant donations.  To donate plants please contact Denise Ballentine (330-297-6712).


Anton Albert Photography