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Mantua Village Garden Club


The Mantua Village Garden Club will be resuming its meetings for the upcoming 2014 gardening season.  MVGC is one of the oldest established organizations in town, which was founded in 1935.  The first meeting of the year will be held at noon, at the home of president, Lea Lazar.  Members will enjoy a pot luck luncheon, to kick things off, a short business meeting, and then discuss the upcoming programs that the officers have put in place.  Members will be asked to share their most valuable garden tip, and bring their favorite veggie recipe.  The MVGC welcomes new members, so feel free to come and join us, on March 3, to see if it might be an organization that is right for you. For more information please contact Lea Lazar at (330)274-0614, or Diane Lottig at (330)274-2868.


Anton Albert Photography