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Mantua Village Council News


Mantua – In her Mayor’s Report, Linda Clark noted vacant seats on several committees, including Landmarks, Parks, Shade Tree, and the BZA. She asked that interested parties contact her to express their intent to get involved.

Moving ahead, Clark noted that a request was filed to receive itemized reporting of license fee tax data from the state. She noted that once received, the information would be scrutinized to ascertain whether license plate tax dollars were properly appropriated, whether to Mantua Village, Township, or Shalersville. She noted that the report should be received in early 2023.

Regarding the Mats Road bridge, Mayor Clark noted that Portage County Water Resources has requested permission to make the road more accessible for its vehicles. Council approved a motion to allow the organization to lay gravel or make similar amendments in order to improve the road near the water treatment facility. In related news, council approved a motion authorizing a work authorization to conduct an engineering survey for the drainage issue in Village Hall. According to Clark, the project is estimated to cost $3,000.

Lastly, Mayor Clark noted that the village has been approached by Tim Benner of the American Legion post, who would like to create a plaque to accompany the cannon in the village. Clark noted that the American Legion may solicit citizen for donations; she wanted to assure residents and businesses of the validity and importance of this proposed project and encourage them to support it if they’re so inclined.
In Public Comment, resident Chuck Petersen inquired about the findings of the recent police department investigation. Mayor Clark noted that as it is an open investigation, there is nothing currently to report. The investigation focuses on the relationship between the Police Chief and one of the Department’s officers; there is no end date set for this investigation, which is being investigated by Dean DePiero, Law Director for the City of Aurora. The investigation will be completed at a cost of $190 per hour; Council President Tammy Meyer noted in a formal letter that, “Council’s goal was to ensure the police department is ‘free from special treatment’, that village representatives and leaders are modeling the integrity they are sworn to, and to show that ‘misuse of village resources, cronyism, and dishonesty’ will not be tolerated.” It’s important to note that the complaint listed a series of questions related to the chief’s and the officer’s conduct; those are the focus of the current investigation.

In related news, Vicky Wilcox, a dispatcher for the village, expressed her concern about what she sees as the disparaging way Chief Joe Urso and Patrol Officer Brothers are being portrayed. Similarly, Chavon Yoder read from a letter she wrote to Council sharing her high regard for Chief Urso. In her missive, Yoder commented on the inaccuracy of much of the media coverage in this matter, which she notes paints an unfair and inaccurate impression of both employees.

In legislation, council approved resolutions authorizing the designation of two properties as Historic Landmarks. The properties are located at 4531 W. Franklin Street and at 10783 Main Street, a historic landmark. Clark Magdych from the Historic Landmark Commission was in attendance tonight to answer any questions the council might have. The mayor reminded everyone that because two seats will be vacant on the Historic Landmark Commission and therefore no quorum exists, this resolution should be declared an emergency. Afterward, it was noted that a letter would be drafted stating council’s intent and drafted by the Village’s Historic Landmark Commission and issued to the State would be sent to request such designation.

In his department report, Chief Urso shared that the Department’s ‘Fill a Cruiser’ program was successful, in that the community filled six cruisers with holiday gifts and supplies. These were gifted to seven families and between 20 to 25 children. Urso noted that Dollar General donated items and Main Street Sub Shop fed volunteers. In new business, Chief Urso provided copies of a letter he wrote to council. It was determined that while the letter would not be read out loud, it would become part of the meeting minutes.

The next regularly scheduled village council meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 17th at 6:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography