Home Other Areas Mantua Village Club to meet April 7th

Mantua Village Club to meet April 7th


The April MVGC meeting will be held, at noon, at the home of Carol Fenrich.  A light meal will be served, followed by a short business meeting. Our guest speaker, this month, is White Dove Crow, a  Medicine Teacher of Native American culture.  White Dove Crow will inform us of how the traditional Native American culture uses plants for food and medicine.  We welcome those who are interested, to join us.  For more information please contact Lea Lazar 330-274-0614, or Diane Lottig 330-274-2868.

Upcoming events:  The MVGC will be hosting an Arbor Day/Memorial program for Elvira Brockman on April 25th, at the Park Lodge, and its annual plant sale on May 17th (plant donations are welcome).  More details to come.  Mark your calendars!


Anton Albert Photography