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Mantua Twp. Trustee News


Mantua Twp. – At their last meeting, the Trustees discussed how the Township could better utilize Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding. In addition to N95 masks, gloves, touchless hand sanitizer and soap, Trustees discussed the purchase of a new message board, and equipment to facilitate online meetings.

Trustee Matt Benner reported gathering estimates to update lighting and to install motion sensor plumbing fixtures in the Township’s three buildings. He also suggested providing additional funds to the Fire District for the purchase of PPE and other supplies. Trustee John Festa shared that he’s getting estimates for a generator, as the Trustees had discussed in a previous meeting. Trustee Jason Carlton suggested digitizing Township records, noting, “In light of the pandemic, it would be a great resource to give residents.” Trustees planned to meet again to finalize their purchase list.

In his Service Department report, Manager Brian Tayerle shared that the salt shed is full and the Township’s snow removal equipment is in good order. Trustees approved the purchase of winter equipment and plow parts at a cost of $924. In related news, issue 13 — the Mantua Township Road Levy — was passed by a majority of voters on November 3rd. The 1.5 mills renewal levy for roads extends for five years, beginning next year.

Lastly, it was noted that free Covid-19 testing would be provided at the Township’s Townhall Annex on Thursday, December 10th from 10 am until 2pm at a walk-in clinic. Clinics take place in neighboring communities throughout November and December; for detailed information, visit www.visit-healthcare.com/portage-county-testing.

The next regularly scheduled Trustee meeting takes place online on Thursday, December 3rd at 7 pm; visit mantuatownshipohio.gov to access meeting link and access code.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography