Home News Mantua Township Trustees Updates

Mantua Township Trustees Updates


Mantua Twp. – The Trustees of Mantua Township held their regularly scheduled meeting on September 20 at the Township Hall. The Trustees have scheduled a workshop on October 9 at 6:30 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to develop a grant application for the Ohio Public Works Commission. The grant, if earned, would offset cost for a township sewer project off Winchell Road.  In other news, Chairman Jason Carlton attended an informational Chagrin River Watershed meeting to learn more about oil and gas development in local communities. Carlton learned that although several Northeastern Ohio communities including Brooklyn and Mansfield have added a ban on drilling to their ballots for voters, The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Oil and Gas regulate drilling in our state. This means that regardless of how the taxpayers vote; drilling is defined as acceptable according to the State of Ohio.
In other news, Vic Grimm reported that the County Health Department will be holding a Flu Clinic at the Mantua Township Civic Center on October 15 from 4 – 6 pm. Flu shots for children ages six months to 18 years will cost $10, while shots for adults aged 19 and older will cost $20. High-dose flu shots and Pneumonia shots for adults will both be available at a cost of $45 each. Medicare Part B will be honored; payment is due at time of service for all others.
In addition, the Township received two bids from environmental companies to do additional lead and asbestos testing and reporting on the Center School. The quotes are currently under consideration. The Trustees are also finalizing the list of specifications of the work to be done in the interior of the school, in preparation for requesting bids. Final comments are due to Mr. Carlton by the end of September.
In response to public requests for meeting minutes and notification of special meetings via email, Mr. Carlton stated that Ohio Revised Code states that phone calls or mail are legally acceptable ways to disseminate this information; although email may be used, it isn’t mandatory. The Trustees will continue to honor requests for agendas and minutes by providing documentation to residents who provide a self addressed, stamped envelope.  For requests of special meetings occurring within 24 hours, phone or email will be used at the discretion of the Trustees. In addition, Mr. Carlton agreed to investigate the ability of posting special meeting notices and updates to the Township website.
After Township business was complete, the Trustees opened up the floor for public comments, of which there were many. The next meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be held on October 4 at 7:30.

Stacy Turner