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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – At a recent meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees, the trustees approved a resolution to certify their jurisdiction of 37.09 miles of township roads. In similar news, they have also approved a list of zoning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in response to the increase in questions received from realtors and appraisers. The updated list has been posted on the Township website, so visit mantuatownshipohio.gov for the latest information.

In addition, Trustee Carlton extended congratulations to Brian Tayerle, who was promoted from Acting Supervisor to Road Supervisor. Trustee Grimm noted that the township began to receive road salt again, but mentioned that the township is reaching the end of their contracted supply. Since reserves are low, the Road Department has begun to augment the salt supply with added grits to extend the quantity and continue to keep township roads safe for residents.

In other news, Todd Peetz from Regional Planning will be attending the next meeting of the Township Trustees to present his findings on how the community as a whole wants to utilize the township-owned Center School Building. The building has been a point of contention, and Regional Planning was hired with the goal of providing objective, third-party feedback to help the Township identify the communities wishes and move forward accordingly.

Peetz began the process by outlining the five key elements of consideration as: Community, Chamber of Commerce, Social Services, College, and Real Estate. Since the project began in December, Peetz has moderated two community meetings to provide citizens with an opportunity to voice their ideas and concerns about potential uses of the building. In addition, Peetz meet with the Mantua-Shalersville Chamber of Commerce to gather information, both in person, and via an online survey. Due to circumstances beyond his control, the online survey, which was intended for use only by Chamber members, was shared with the general public. Regardless, Peetz has gleaned valuable insight as a result.

In addition, Peetz and staff from Regional Planning have discussed the building with social services agencies, local colleges, and real estate professionals. Their feedback is included in the report, which was provided to trustees last week. In addition, Peetz will present his findings to the public at the trustees’ next regularly scheduled meeting.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be held on Friday, March 7th at 6:30 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography