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Mantua Township News


Mantua Township – At the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees, Trustees Victor Grimm and John Festa were in attendance. Mr. Festa noted that the Township’s inventory has been completed and turned in to Fiscal Officer Marie Stehli. Mr. Grimm noted that a draft document of proposed zoning fees has been completed, with no changes from 2013 fees, other than a change noted on page two of the document. Mr. Grimm stated that he has included his proposed change, which deals with the demolition of a small building. The document will be ready for Trustee vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

The Township is in the process of updated wireless access in the Township’s administrative offices in the Center School building. Mr. Festa will follow up on this item. In other news, Mr. Grimm shared that the heater units for the Township Garage have been received.

During the public comments portion of the meeting, Ms. Carole Pollard asked when the Center School issue would come before voters. Mr. Festa responded that the Township is waiting for a report due from Todd Peetz of Portage County Regional Planning summarizing what Mr. Peetz has learned from the public meetings. The Trustees would then need to cost out what voters have requested. The final public meeting to discuss the use of the School was rescheduled due to weather. It has been rescheduled for January 29th at 7 pm at the Mantua Civic Center. Residents are encouraged to attend.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be held on February 6th at 7:30 pm. In the Township Hall.


Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography