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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – In light of many questions regarding expenditures of the Township’s finances, Township Fiscal Officer Marie Stehli shared a spreadsheet she developed to clearly show what has been spent on the Mantua Center school building.  She made copies available to those in attendance, and requested that it be added to the township’s website, mantuatownshipohio.gov.  

In other news, the two of the trustees met with Steve Coon, the largest restoration contractor in the state of Ohio. Mr. Coon made an offer he will supply his crew to scrape and caulk and paint Mantua Township Hall. The Township will supply the paint. Mr. Coon is donating the cost of his services. In exchange, he requested that the Township allocate what they would have spent to go toward repairs or renovation at the Center School. After some discussion, the Trustees voted to accept Mr. Coon’s offer, which is valued at nearly $9,000.

In the public comment portion of the meeting, resident Brian Summerlin mentioned that his house had been vandalized recently, and asked whether any other residents had experienced similar events at their homes. According to the Portage County Sherriff’s report, someone smeared a bag of manure on Mr. Summerlin’s garage windows and threw eggs at his house during the late morning of a workday in early August. No other homeowners in the development received any unwanted attention. Coincidentally, the incident occurred a few days after Mr. Summerlin and his wife signed a nominating petition for a Township Trustee candidate in early August.  While no one in attendance had experienced anything as extreme as Mr. Summerlin, this revelation prompted a discussion about political signs being removed from residents’ yards and incidents of a similar nature.

The next meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will take place on Thursday, November 7th at 7:30 pm. Don’t forget to vote on November 5th.


Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography