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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – At their last meeting, Fiscal Officer Susan Skrovan informed trustees of receipt of a memo of understanding between the township and Portage County Solid Waste Management. Upon trustees’ signature that evening, the township agreed to a six-month extension on the contract, which provides service through December 31st of this year. Board of Trustees Chairman John Festa noted the need for the group to review the situation in the fall in order to best determine how to proceed with solid waste and recycling in the coming year. 

In other correspondence, Skrovan noted receipt of documents from the state requesting a change on the liquor license held by the Mantua Corners Bar & Grill, LLC. It was noted that the current owner wishes to change the name on the document to Corner Catering & Event Center, which the trustees approved. In a housekeeping issue, Skrovan requested trustees consider implementing an electronic purchase requisition form and process. She noted that having requisitions would allow for verification of invoices and deliveries and simplify the purchase process for the Fiscal Officer and for future audits, and trustees approved this measure.

In other news, Skrovan noted disappointment that concrete planters that had been planted and placed near the Township Hall prior to Memorial Day had been stolen two weeks later. Trustees advised her to fill out a Police Report on the incident and provide the estimated value, which was noted as between $75 – $100. 

In his report, Zoning Inspector Rich Gano noted issuing 13 new home permits in the first half of 2021. Trustee Jason Carlton commented on the number, noting he couldn’t remember an entire year in which that many permits had been issued. In similar news, Trustee Carlton requested that the Zoning Commission work with Gano to review fees, something Carlton noted hasn’t been done in four or five years.

In Service Department news, trustees requested the Road Service Supervisor Brian Tayerle request quotes for ditching on both sides of Auburn Road north of Mantua Center Road. Trustee Carlton noted that the dirt removed from the ditches can be used at the township’s West Lawn Cemetery. In similar news, he noted that chip and seal bids will be opened at the next Trustee meeting.

In other news, Trustee Carlton noted that paper copies of the township’s records have been returned from the company that has digitized them for inclusion on the township’s website, and that a search tool has been built. He noted that the township is working to implement the tool on the website, to provide residents the opportunity to “search through township records from their couch.” 

Moving forward, Mark Hall on behalf of the Mantua Historical Society, inquired about the status of the formal proposal the group presented to trustees in which the group presented plans to renovate a room in the Township’s Center School building. He noted that auditors’ recommendation that township fiscal records be stored in a secure location owned by the township, and noted the school’s township offices would be the ideal location. Further discussion ensured about the repairs and updates the historic building would require, and what funding would be required. To that end, Trustee Matt Benner noted setting up a ‘field trip’ with an engineering firm. At that time, professionals would walk through the building to gauge what repairs would be necessary in order to make the building suitable for township use. Benner extended an invitation so that interested residents can attend that walk-through. 

Discussions ensued about the use of federal funds received through the CARES Act had been utilized, and how the township might best use funds received from the most recent Federal funding initiative. Resident Teri Nielsen suggesting setting aside $10,000 from the township’s portion of the American Rescue Plan to make grants available to local businesses who can show they’ve experienced financial loss due to Covid-19.

The next trustee meeting will take place in the Civic Center at 7 pm on Thursday, July 15th; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography