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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – Jan Oros from the Zoning Commission noted that the Zoning book has been updated. She said that once the final update has been reviewed, it will be copied and redistributed. Next, the township’s custodian, Susan Lilly, inquired about whether building rental fees were less expensive for residents versus non-residents. It was determined that at this time, fees would be the same regardless of where prospective building renters reside. A discussion ensured about the quantity and condition of tables and chairs at township buildings and determined that prior to the next meeting, an inventory should take place. Lilly noted that two events have been booked — on June 18th and 19th. In the interim, trustees passed a motion to purchase 12 chairs from Sam’s Club at a cost not to exceed $200.

In other building news, Trustee Matt Benner noted that Steve Kramer had been in contact with the EPA in order to update contact and testing information regarding the township’s buildings. Benner noted that both blowers are running and that Kramer is working on the chlorinator at the treatment facility at the school. Benner also noted that water testing at the Civic Center is completed and in compliance. Benner asked trustees to approve installation of supplied tiles to complete work in the kitchen at the Civic Center and township Hall, which Trustees approved. In similar news, trustee Chairman John Festa suggested the group consider using NOPEC grant funds to update lighting at the Civic Center.

In other news, Benner thanked the Garden Club, Beautification Committee, and lawn care company for the work done to prepare township green spaces for Memorial Day observances. He noted that the township, “never looked so good.” Moving ahead, Benner proposed that the Fiscal Officer’s pay, which had been halved due to Covid, be reinstated at the full amount. This motion was unanimously passed and will take effect as of June 1st. 

Next, Jan Oros and Carole Pollard, on behalf of the Mantua Restoration Society, asked for trustees’ permission to refurbish the north classroom in the school building. Proposed work would include general cleaning, painting walls, removing carpeting, refinishing floors, and potentially replacing windows. Trustee Benner noted that township’s desire, in light of the issues with heating and cooling system, to have an engineering firm visit the building in order to determine the work required to update the structure. He noted that a building audit should be done before any renovations are started, and a lengthy discussion ensued about potential cost involved in such a project. It was noted that once project costs have been determined, a large investment might be required to address the HVAC and other building concerns. It was noted that if that is the case, Trustees would investigate putting a ballot issue before voters to determine how residents want to proceed on the issue.  

In other news, Trustee Jason Carlton motioned to amend the paving project to level and chip/seal a total of 1.75 miles of both Bowen Road and Allyn Road. The amended motion (121-21) provides administrative oversight for the township, a “safety net for the township” according to Trustee Carlton. The project cost is roughly $163,000. The township will also chip & seal an additional 5.5 miles of township roads this season.

The next trustee meeting will be held on Thursday, June 17th, immediately following a budget workshop which begins at 6 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography