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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp – At their last meeting, Trustee Chairman John Festa reported that the American Legion is planning a Memorial Day service at the Township’s West Lawn Cemetery at 11 am on Monday, May 31st. It was noted that the Crestwood band, the Scarlet Guard, would be in attendance, as well. For questions regarding the event, residents are encouraged to contact Ray Corbett at the American Legion at (330) 995-4494.

In other news, the wastewater permits were received for the School and Civic Center buildings. It was noted that prior to starting the aeration pump, the closest neighbor should be notified, since the pump emits a humming noise. Trustee Festa noted that the pump isn’t ready to be powered on, since the area surrounding it needs to be cleaned up, and “quite a few things need to be done,” before it is turned on. Meanwhile, the Township has hired Steve Kramer to operate the plant. Mr. Kramer has been notified of this issue. In similar news, Trustee Benner will contact Harper Well to conduct water testing.

In Old Business, Trustee Jason Carlton reported having seen a demonstration on the program to access the Township’s newly digitized records. He noted that everything has been scanned in and the Township will be receiving access in a few weeks. This led to a discussion on the need to color-code new files in order to upload them to the new system. In other news, Trustees discussed a recommendation from the Service Department to address culvert replacements. It was suggested that homeowners be required to pay for the necessary materials in the amount of $300, which includes pipe, stone, and other materials required. The Township Service Department would provide installation services. It was noted that the neighboring communities of Hiram and Shalersville Townships have similar programs in place. It was also noted that a permit is not required for the work as long as the Township is providing the service to residents.

In other news, Trustees approved an extension to the Township’s recycling contract; residents will continue to receive recycling collection twice per month through the end of 2021. Lastly, Trustees will discuss moving meetings to once each month in the future, and the potential of meeting in person. It was determined that the next meeting on Thursday, May 6th would be a virtual event, while the Thursday, May 20th meeting would take place in person at the School Annex. Each meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 pm. For more information, visit mantuatownshipohio.gov.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography