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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – Zoning Inspector John Dickey announced that he has set up office hours the first few Thursdays of each month at the Center School/Administration Building to make forms available and answer any zoning questions that residents may have. While the township has posted updated permit applications on the township web site, Mr. Dickey acknowledges that residents without computer access need hard copies of pertinent forms and applications. He asked the Trustees to investigate placing a weatherproof box outside the township building so that residents may pick up forms at their convenience. No conclusion was reached on this issue, but this prompted further discussion, including confusions around which doors should be used to enter the building to meet with Mr. Dickey or Fiscal Officer Marie Stehli. Chairman Jason Carlton suggested posting signs directing visitors to the appropriate building entrance.  

In other news, the Trustees agreed to offer the metal slide, recently removed from the Center School playground, and two used cattle gates for sale. The items will be advertised in the Record Courier with opening bids set at $150 for the slide and $25 each for the gates. Sealed bids will be due to Trustees by October 31st for consideration in November.

Next, Mr. Frank Horack gave Trustees an update on the Veterans Memorial Project. Mr. Horack stated that the final electrical work was approved, the handicapped signs have been erected, and they were waiting for the pavement markings to be painted. In addition, the cannon has been bolted down. Trustee Grimm provided Mr. Horack with copies of the paperwork that was filed to register the cannon; it will be placed in the Memorial’s time capsule. Mr. Horack mentioned that the Veterans Memorial Ladies Associate was investigating adding urns to the memorial, but that a decision had not yet been reached. In addition, he inquired as to whether the township could provide decorative stones to be placed around the flagpole and lights. The stones are currently unused, and being stored on township property. Trustees agreed, and asked Mr. Horack to let them know how many were used.

In other news, Chairman Carlton updated the group on mini excavator pricing and financing options. Trading in the township’s grader was also discussed, and Mr. Carton will investigate the value of the existing equipment before the group will make a decision. He also announced that almost five miles of township roads were chipped and sealed this season, at a cost of $185,000. In addition, nearly five miles of roads were crack sealed as well. Improved roads include Mantua Center Road (south of Route 82), John Edwards Drive, East Mennonite Road and Bowen Road. He also noted that the Service Department will be closed on October 14th in observance of Columbus Day.

In old business, the topic of the offer made by Mr. Steve Koon to paint and repair the exterior of the township Hall was discussed at length. It was determined that Trustee Grimm would contact Mr. Koon by telephone to set up a meeting as soon as possible between Mr. Koon and the Trustees to discuss Koon’s offer and answer Trustees Carlton and Festa’s questions and concerns.

Further, Trustees set a date of October 22nd for a public meeting at the Civic Center. Representatives from Portage County Regional Planning will be giving residents the chance to be a part of the discussion on how township resources are allocated. Use of township-owned buildings will be a topic of discussion. Watch the township website at mantuatownshipohio.gov for updated information.

Later, Trustee Victor Grimm announced that the Portage County Health Department will be administering flu shots at the Civic Center on Tuesday, October 15th from 4 – 6 pm. For available shots, costs, and insurance information, contact the Health Department at (330) 296-9919 or visit www.co.portage.oh.us/healthdepartment.htm.

Lastly, it was announced that Trick-or-Treat in Mantua township will be held on October 31st from 5 – 7 pm. The next meeting of the Mantua township Trustees will be October 17th at 7:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography