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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – At their last meeting, Trustees heard from the newly formed Township Park Committee, a group that proposes erecting a pavilion or gazebo in  the green space at the high-traffic area where State Route 82, Mantua Center and Diagonal Roads converge. The Committee presented Trustees with proposed drawings for their review. The area, which has been maintained with trees, shrubs, and perennials by the Garden Club for many years, was determined an appropriate site to erect the Veteran’s Memorial, which was eventually installed on the historic green nearby. The new structure would require the removal or relocation of some planting materials and the addition of an earthen berm to protect visitors to the proposed park shelter from traffic and noise. The topic will be discussed at future meetings.

In the Road Report, Brian Tayerle shared that his crew has been ditching on Allyn Road, and will be tree clearing on Frost road when the weather improves. He reported that the new truck is performing well.

Moving forward, Terrie Nielsen of the Grants Committee informed Trustees that the CDBG application would soon be due. She also shared that the Committee received an additional grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Giving Well Family Foundation, a charitable organization based in Ravenna. These funds will be used for the elevator project at Center School building. Ms. Nielsen went on to explain Phase II of the project, which will include the addition of a graded incline in front of the building’s annex as well as a retaining wall. To achieve this, electrical updates may be necessary. Future plans also include a lighting study to make the facility both historically accurate and more visible at night. Trustees approved a motion allowing Ms. Nielsen and the Committee to apply for the 2016 CDBG grant, which, if received, would be funded in 2017.

In other news, Trustees approved a resolution to remove the certified assessment from the property Deeanna Barkett and her husband purchased at Sheriff’s Sale several years ago. You may recall that through a government program, a vacant house was removed prior to the property’s sale. Long after purchasing and taking title of the vacant lot, the Barkett family received a tax assessment for more than the purchase price. By working together, the County Auditor, Treasurer, Prosecutor, the Land Bank, and the Trustees were able to resolve the issue to Ms. Barkett’s satisfaction, and she expressed her gratitude to Trustees.

Next, Trustee Victor Grimm reported that the project meeting with Scout Frank Fugman went well. As an Eagle Scout project, Mr. Fugman, a Crestwood student, will raise funds, solicit materials, and enlist volunteers to restore the ‘12-holer’ boys outhouse located near the Township Hall. The outhouse, built in 1907, is currently sinking into its gravel base. In addition, the roof shingles need replacement, as does some of the lumber on the outer walls. Pending approval by the NEOH Boy Scout Council, Mr. Fugman will oversee completion of this project at no charge to the Township.

The next Trustee meeting will be held on Thursday, May 5th at 7:30 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography