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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – After calling the August 1st Mantua Township Trustees meeting to order, Chairman Jason Carlton introduced new Zoning Inspector Mr. John Dickey  to township residents. Mr. Dickey is a Hiram resident with a varied background of work experience, including heating, ventilation and home contracting. He replaces Tierney Bryant, who resigned from the position as of July 2, 2013.
Next, Brian Tayerle of the Road Department estimated that his team would need three to four more days to clean up remaining damage from the July 10th storm. It was mentioned that the township had been asked to provide a contact person to be a liaison with the Department of Homeland Security in Portage County to serve as a point person in reporting the cost of township clean-up projects from the recent storm. Trustee Jason Carlton planned to follow up with Brian Tayerle on that issue.

In addition, Tayerle reported that his crew would be working in the cemetery to clean up some in-ground hornet nests. They will also be trimming trees and removing the slide at the playground at the Center School building in preparation for the Portage County Ohio Township Association (OTA) dinner that will be held at the school on August 17th. The OTA, of which Mantua Township is a member, meets four times a year. According to Fiscal Officer Marie Stehli, the last time they met in Mantua Township was roughly ten years ago, in the Civic Center. This meeting will be the first OTA meeting hosted by Mantua Township since then, and the first to take place in the Administration/Center School Building. At least 80 people are expected to attend.

Next, Mr. Frank Horak spoke on behalf of the Veterans Memorial Project. He reported that the concrete had been finished for the pump, memorial and cannon pads. He also reported that electric had been trenched and the sidewalk had been excavated. He asked for trustee permission to have the cannon moved to a nearby shop/garage to be sand-blasted and repainted, which he estimated would take a few weeks. Permission was granted, pending Mr. Horak providing trustees with written documentation of shop location and expected return date.

In Old Business, Mr. Brian Cole, a resident on Briarwood Drive, spoke at length to Trustees about an ongoing drainage issue, requesting assistance from the Township in its resolution. After lengthy discussions, it was determined that the Township Service Department would be responsible for cleaning out the existing ditch. In addition, the Township would provide Mr. Cole with a proposed point of entry for Mr. Cole to have an outside contractor relocate the drainpipe located on the resident’s property. Mr. Carlton will follow up with Mr. Cole with the date of when the Township crew will be clearing the ditch.

In New Business, Frost Road resident Dave Pollard suggested the need for berm work and culverts to be added to Frost road to lessen water damage to the township road and to make the area safer from increased traffic. It was also noted that photos, phone numbers and other updated information have been posted to the township web site. Residents are encouraged to visit mantuatownshipohio.gov for more information, and to contact Trustees with any suggestions or comments on what they see.

The next meeting of the Mantua Township Trustees will be held on Thursday, August 15th at 7:30 in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography