Home Other Areas Mantua-Shalersville Chamber Chatter

Mantua-Shalersville Chamber Chatter


The Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce met on September 19.  After introductions, member groups and organizations made general announcements. Edie Benner, President of the Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation (DMRC), announced that the DMRC has received a grant for streetscape improvements to the south end of the Village. The DMRC will be working with Crestwood students and community members on October 5 starting at 7:30 am for a “spruce up” day in Mantua. The group will meet at Jake’s restaurant downtown.
A representative from the Friendship Alliance Church of Auburn Township announced that the church has started a Mobile Food Pantry on the second Saturday of each month from 10 am – noon. Produce and non-perishable items from the Cleveland Food Bank are made available to needy local families at no charge. Please call the church office at 440.834.0955, during the weekday hours of 8 am – 2 pm for more information or to register for this program.
In addition, the Rotary Club of Mantua has space available on the paper placemats they design and distribute at Jake’s in Mantua.  The restaurant distributes 1,500 copies of the menu to guests each month; the cost for an ad is $30. The Rotary Club meets every Tuesday evening at 6pm in the fellowship hall of the Hilltop Christian Church.
The Chamber of Commerce guest speaker this month was Debbie Stephens, President of the Crestwood All Sports Boosters (CASB). Mrs. Stephens shared the CASB’s mission of supporting Middle and High School athletes grades seven through twelve in the Crestwood School District. Her group raises money through concession sales, cash raffles, and membership drives to offer scholarships to graduating seniors, pay for training and equipment needs of sports coaches and teams, and to sponsor the sports schedule posters available to the community. They are currently holding a membership drive. For more information, contact Stephens at (330)697-1187.
Christine Pitsinger, Chamber President, announced that the Chamber’s Business Showcase will be held on April 25 from 5:30 – 8 pm at the Shalersville Town Hall. The date has been moved from November to allow more time for planning. In addition, Chamber membership applications will be sent in early October. There is no change in membership costs for 2013.
The next monthly Chamber meetings will be held on October 17, where nominations would be accepted for next years’ Chamber of Commerce Officers. The Election of officers will occur at the Chamber’s year-end meeting on November 21. Meetings are held at 7:30 am at the Shalersville Town Hall.

Stacy Turner