Home Other Areas Mantua Olympian to Run the Melana Memorial Race at SummerFest

Mantua Olympian to Run the Melana Memorial Race at SummerFest


Would you like to run a race with an Olympic athlete? Now is your chance!  Mantua Native Bridget Franek, a member of the United States 2012 Olympic Team will join in the fun and run in the Melana Memorial 5K/1 mile Walk/ Run Race at SummerFest this year on June 20, 2013.  Franek, a member of 2012 London Olympics Women’s Steeplechase runner will return to Portage County to run the 5K race at Summerfest helping the group kick kids cancer. Franek participated in the women’s Steeplechase in London and although she did not reach the podium, she represented our county well.

If you would like to join Franek in  the Third Annual Memorial 5k and 1 mile run/walk at Garrettsville SummerFest, on Sunday June 30, 2013 at 9am, all you need to do is register at www.Summerfest5k.eventbrite.com. The cost is $25 per runner and $10 for the fun run/walk. Folks can get additional individual sponsors by downloading a sponsor form from Eventbrite and asking friends for pledges. All individual sponsors’ monies are due on June 30, 2013. Those who raise $50 in pledges may request to have their registration fee refunded by Eventbrite.

Although pre-registration at Eventbrite is preferred, one may also register the day of the event at the race. T-shirts will be guaranteed for the first 200 that register prior to June 15, 2013.

So, what are you waiting for? Come kick cancer and get a once-in-a-life time chance to run with an Olympian at Garrettsville SummerFest.



Anton Albert Photography