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Mantua Historical Society News


Mantua – The Mantua Historical Society held its’ last meeting on March 17th, where we featured a Show and Tell session after our meeting. Pictured is Sandy  Engelhart who brought her family heirloom quilt, which was quilted with ten stitches to one inch, to show us. Among other items, Arlene Finley shared  two brass banks (one lion and one donkey) with the group, and Dick Selander showed some six and twelve inch glass Solon Spring pop bottles. Bob and  Linda Havener via Dan and Kathy Havener presented the MHS museum with pen and ink prints, of the Hine House, Mantua’s railroad station, the Town Hall,  and Roger Hammel’s home, drawn by Frank Hubbard.

mantua-historical-society-quiltAt our April 21st meeting, the public is invited to see the featured guest speaker, Carol Denzinger, who will enlighten the members and guests by telling us about her heritage, in particular Shalersville and Mantua area  businesses.

The MHS members hope that the area residents will consider joining our organization for $8 /single and $12/couple. We meet on the third  Monday of every month from March to October at the Mantua Township Hall’s lower level, located at S. R. 82 and Mantua Center Road. Light refreshments will be served. The museum, on the second floor, is open to the public after our meetings.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography