Home News Main Street Ravenna Director Accepts New Position with Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of...

Main Street Ravenna Director Accepts New Position with Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce


Ravenna – The first Executive Director of Main Street Ravenna, Julie McLain, has accepted a new position as the Executive Director of the Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce. “I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know the Ravenna community and look forward to seeing the revitalization efforts continue,” said McLain. “Julie’s work will always be a part of the DNA of this organization,” said MSR Board President Todd Peetz. “She has established the roots of MSR in Ravenna and we are a stronger organization because of her”, added Peetz. “Our Board of Directors appreciates her efforts during her tenure at Main Street and wishes her continued success in her future endeavors.”

Under McLain’s leadership since 2018, Main Street Ravenna has blossomed into a critical partner of the city in the revitalization efforts in downtown Ravenna.  This grassroot effort led Main Street Ravenna to be a Nationally Accredited Main Street Program in its first two years of existence, something that is difficult to achieve, according to Heritage Ohio, the state Main Street Program Manager.  Other initiatives under her watch include: the Downtown District Plan, a mural grant, multiple downtown events including Main Street Family Fridays and Savory and Sweet in the County Seat, a Building and Facade Grant opportunity for downtown building owners as well as obtaining the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grant for the renovations of the Riddle Block 9 Building, among others.

The plan for the balance of the year has been set and all current initiatives and projects will move forward as anticipated. The Main Street Ravenna Board of Directors is actively seeking an Interim Executive Director and expects to have someone in place soon. McLain will begin her new position on August 16.


Anton Albert Photography