Home Mantua Local Veterans Group Honored in Mantua

Local Veterans Group Honored in Mantua


At a recent Council meeting, Mayor Tammy Meyer and Village Council presented a proclamation honoring the American Legion Post 193 for their legacy of service in the Mantua area. David Pifer and Ray Corbett accepted the Proclamation on behalf of Post 193.

The proclamation noted that 31 years ago, American Legion Post 193 recorded over 1,000 volunteer hours to remodel the Village Park Garage. The space became the gathering spot not only for Post 193 and Auxiliary members, but for the community as well. According to Village Council President Steve Thorn, the Lodge has stayed true to that mission. He noted that the Lodge is typically used 6-10 times per month by businesses and organizations in the community and by residents to host graduation parties and other events. The Lodge has also served as a Portage Countypolling location for many years as well.

According to documents from American Legion Post 193 archives, back in 1993 Post Commander Earl Miller received permission from Village Council and the Park Board to renovate the existing Village Park garage. Permission was given for the group to use the structure as the Post home and as a community-use space.

The renovation took three months to complete, with thousands of dollars in material and labor donated from throughout Portage County. In addition, 1,000 volunteer hours were recorded. Volunteers of note included Master Carpenter Glen Rodhe, Post Commander Earl Miller, Roy Mayfield, Harry Kotkowski and Merle Benner.

Upon completion of the project, Miller noted in American Legion Post 193 documents, “None of this would have been possible without the desire of a handful of veterans and volunteers working so well together.” Further, Miller noted, “Post 193 pledges its continued effort to promote patriotism and good will in the Mantua area with special emphasis on our youth and the needs of our veterans. It has been rewarding to work with so many wonderful people,” he noted. “We stand for community, and we stand together.”

Since Post 193 began serving in the Village, the organization has sponsored Boys and Girls State Camps, worked to improve Veterans Services, provided Military Honor Guard for local funerals of veterans and the Western Reserve National Cemetery in Rittman. Post 193 also provides and displays American flags in the Village and at Crestwood Schools each year, and provides CHS with Government tests and donates books on the topic to the CHS library. In addition, Post 193 supports veterans and their families in need and to the local community.

In addition to providing flag-raising at all home football games, Post 193 supports the CHS band, the 4 Cs Food Pantry, and provides Memorial Day programs and helps organize parades for Mantua Village and Townships. 

For more information on Mantua’s American Legion Post 193, visit their page on Facebook.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography