Home Schools Local Firm Helps Students Realize College Dreams

Local Firm Helps Students Realize College Dreams


Hiram – According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the annual current dollar prices for the 2010-2011 academic year for undergraduate tuition, room and board were estimated to be $13,600 at public institutions and a whopping $36,300 at private institutions. NCES also reports that only one in eight students enrolled full-time at 4-year institutions received scholarships in 2003-04 and about 1 in 10, received scholarships on average in 2007-08. So what can prospective college students and their parents do during these challenging economic times to be one of those lucky scholarship recipients? Quite simply, applying for more scholarships increases the likelihood of receiving additional tuition money.A local company, the Communications Factory, has been helping students and their families make the dream of attending college a reality for over 10 years. The Communications Factory, a Hiram-based advertising agency, has sponsored a scholarship program since opening its doors in 2002. Now in its eleventh year, the Factory’s program awards $1,000 to a deserving area high-school student that completes the agency’s scholarship application. Students from Stow-Monroe Falls, Hudson, Rootstown, Akron, Willoughby and Crestwood have won in previous years. Last year’s winner was Jill Hall of Jefferson Area High School.

Brad Turner, Communications Factory founder and local resident, states, “There are sales goals, there are marketing goals, and there are life goals. At the Communications Factory, we believe in the importance of all three, which is why each year, we give a $1,000 college scholarship to a deserving local student. To qualify for the scholarship, the applicant must be a Northeast Ohio high-school senior in good standing and provide valid proof of intent to attend college. Further details and the application form are available on the agency’s Web site at www.communicationsfactory.net/community/scholarship.pdf. Students interested in being considered for the scholarship need to submit their completed application by April 1, 2013.

The Communications Factory is a full-service agency that helps up-and-coming organizations retool their brand by melding big agency experience, with the entrepreneurial spirit of a small shop. Visit www.communicationsfactory.net for more information.


Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography