Home Geauga County Little Porkers 4H Club News

Little Porkers 4H Club News


Sunday, March 6, 2022 was our monthly meeting at the Bass Lake Preserve in Munson, Ohio. Our meeting was called to order. We discussed the following important upcoming dates: Geauga Poultry Clinics April 2 and April 12; Quality Assurance Saturday, May 7th from 9:00 -11:30 am, Fairgrounds; Geauga-Trumbull 4-H Camp June 12-17; Camp Whitewood Cloverbud Camp July 15 & 16, Camp Burton. 

Enrollment was discussed and advisors asked that members contact them once this is completed by each member. We also talked about this year’s Junior Fair theme. It is: Stitching Together 200 Years of Memories with Junior Fair. The club voted to sell candy bars as a fundraiser. 

Officers were elected as follows: Seth Jokiene, President, Bailey Jokiene, Vice President, Hannah Benesh, Secretary, and Milo Humphrey, Treasurer. We are very excited for a great 4H year!


Anton Albert Photography