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Literary Musical Club News


Literary Musical Club (LMC) held their June meeting with a covered dish picnic. As usual the food was good and plenty of it. Thanks to Alma Jones for being such a nice hostess. It’s a shame only half of our members attend. Our business meeting was short with not much happening. We did decide on a Christmas fund raiser. Our program was put on by Jeanne Pfeiffer.  The art of “quilling”. She gave a nice presentation with lots of samples for show-and-tell. Maybe she’ll come back and give a class. Next meeting will be July 13. Special recognition was given to Margaret Clapp. She is our oldest member and her name has been on the membership since back when she was a teenager a good 75 years ago. She was presented with a music box. She has always been an active member. Thanks, Margaret, for being you. Our visitor was Rosemary Angel from Delaware.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography