Home Columns & Editorials Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates Lately…

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates Lately…


Uhhhgggggggg………..I know it feels like it’s the seven plagues of Egypt every time we turn on the news or look at Facebook. If it’s not politics then it’s the economy, if it’s not the economy then it’s the health department telling us to wear masks or an article telling us there’s a vaccination coming or maybe we shouldn’t get the vaccination. Either way, this is a Whitman’s Sampler and I really don’t want anymore. Return to sender! If you’re anything like me, you have pulled out what little hair you have left because of anxiety and are crawling up the walls in anticipation of the next thing that could go wrong.

Great, I have your attention with my award-winning personality!

Now let’s focus on the good things. The sun is shining a lot. The public parks are open. The Portage Park District is doing their absolute best to ensure we can commune with nature so we can breathe freely. They’ve been doing virtual tours, scavenger hunts and have kicked off their 2020 hiking spree challenge that can all be done while you get a healthy dose of sun. Are you feeling the Zen yet?

Maybe you’re more of the kind of person who likes to eat out and be social. So that’s another positive takeaway. Ravenna restaurants now have extended patios in both the front and back of many establishments in town. Where seating was once an issue, it really no longer is, thanks to the extended space. If you dread the thought of doing one more load of dishes or baking one more casserole; then a night on the town is just what you need.

Yes, things are a little weird. OK, a lot weird, and it’s tiresome, I know. Here’s another positive: more quality time with family, inventing games, playing game boards going outside and playing catch… or hide and seek, or tag. Let’s get back to what really matters. Maybe this is a time to recoup your vitality and reconnect with something you lost a long time ago. I hope you get a chance to find the effervescent spirit of childhood.

Put down the smartphone. It’s just making you feel stupider. Raise your hand if you feel guilty of this. (Is that my hand raised?) Don’t you miss the freedom and tranquility of life without stress. There’s just no such thing anymore because everywhere we look there is some form of stress. So why add to it? Phones down!

If you have children and are working remotely from home and dealing with the issues of schools closing early, or not reopening this fall, then it’s even harder. You have to be a teacher and hallway monitor for your child while you’re working your regular job. Then you don’t get the time to decompress because home has become work and school. It’s a crazy mixed up world, people!
Put down that fourth Snickers you’re about to eat or that second piece of pie (Nope, not speaking from experience at all). Go out for a walk or a bike ride. Grab the tennis racket from the corner that has cobwebs on it. Go to a local park and play a round; maybe you’re the next Venus Williams.

Just like Forrest Gump always said, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” Sometimes you get the nasty nougat, sometimes you come up with the dark chocolate ganache center. Sometimes it is exciting to not know what you’re gonna get.
Have we had enough excitement yet?

Heather Scarlett